my new web site

Edit My Images
I've just made my first web site and i am just building up my portfolio so they will have to do I do plan to add more pages and images and the about me i will up load a true image soon but for know what do you think.
First thing that I noticed was when viewing the portfolio, the images overlap one of the main portfolio page images, which is pretty distracting.
I don't think the portfolio is working properly. (I am using safari 4.0.3 on Vista). The images are loading on top of each other and infact if you click on an image then it opens again in a smaller format on top of itself.

The buttons on the right hand side look like they are for controlling music, but they don't seem to do anything.

"Photography allows me to express self mental and emotional stimulation mixed with idea and vision and shape it into a art form."

"I found interest in most genres of photography as you can see in my galleries."
The galleries only have portraiture at the moment.

Having said all that, it is a clean and simple layout which (when the technical issue is resolved) will complement the photos. I assume once it's all prepared you will also pay to remove the 'free website' thingy at the bottom of the page?

Now how can I say this first thing I see when opening your site was the Ad for FREE web design by Not a good start this rings Cheap to me.
Sorry but if you are to be taken as a pro this is not on.
I like the clean cut look to it very nice

As above re the galleries and the photo you took of yourself in a mirror Please put it the right way around tome this looks bad
Also as said many time you need to have the legal bits to comply with business law like address and email must be real not a form you can have both
as above really, however, if you are going to have photos of women with mascara on make sure it's not all clumpy and horrid :( it's the main thing I noticed on there.