My Niece Black and White

Jay Payne
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I took this today whilst I was at my Nephews Christening thought it would make a decent black & white what do you think?

Hi Banath. Good exposure - shame you lost the top of her head, and imo she isn't in the most flattering pose. Also she doesn't look very happy! - and for me, her midriff / bangle / and lack of hands are a little frustrating... That being said, if you crop to the bottom of her black top (to the little triangle of skin) it seems to help quite a bit. A little bit of PP would get rid of the highlights behind her, and I reckon that'd leave you with as good a shot as possible.

Very nice, just up the levels to get the top of her head back

The one thing I'm not so keen on is that it is so tight on the left hand side, and with her looking in that direction you are immediately led out of frame.
Agree about being tight on the left, more empty space would give her something to look into.
Cheers all I'll have to have a tinker, the main reason I cropped it so tight is there is someone sat right next to here right arm and I found it distacting, I never noticed the highlight behind her head either before it was mentioned.