My sis #1

Edit My Images
Hi folks,

My sis came over v.briefly on Friday and I decided to frantically rattle off a few shots before we dashed out as I dug the jacket / hair / lipstick combo that she was rocking.

Below are two pics that I've cropped and spent about 2 mins PPing (in....iPhoto :()

I have to questions for you lovely folk:

1) Which image do you prefer (if you could say why, that would be great!)
2) What could I do/ have done to improve here?

Something I learned whilst shooting was that low-light SUCKS because auto-focus goes to hell, although that may just be my crappy kit-lens! Oh, and kit lenses with their non-constant f-stop also suck (hence the verging-on-overexposure that's going on).

I may post another pic or two from the same session at a later point...

1) Black and White


2) Colour


EDIT: Image 1 with canvas cloned out:

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I like number one best, but find the painting (or canvas) in the background distracting.

I'm just a beginner so most of what I say might be complete rubbish but I think this would have looked great as a high key B+W image?
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im obviously more of a begginer than the last guy (high key image?) but hes right about the canvas in the background i'd lose it and go for no.1 although the colour image looks great too.....i'd be dead pleased with the photo if i was your sis
I like the B&W too, and I like the canvas. Colour one is fine but the B&W makes it look more arty which seems to suit her style by the look of her. I wouldn't have cropped so much off her jacket collar and I wonder why you are looking down on her quite so steeply. But still a belting photo and I'd bet she is pleased with it.
Number 1 without the canvas for me too (y)

Very James Dean or Grease style in my opinion :clap:
I think the B&W offers a glamorous, edgy, sassy feel to the image, taking in the hair slick and biker jacket. Its a pity shes tightly cropped in at the opposite side to canvas otherwise you might have got away with the background but i think its too distracting! my eye is being drawn back to the canvas and not the subject. its a great shot though.
Hi folks, thanks for the comments thus far. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about the canvas. At the time, I suggested taking them off the wall but she insisted, so I kept them. Another lesson learned as many of the images have been ruined by a crappy background, I think if I'd had the time, I would've taken a few shots with the canvases and then said "ok, cool - now lets try some without - so we've got a range to work with".

I've now included in my original post, the first image but with the canvas cloned out...

As for the crop, it's a combination of two things - #1 is that I like experimenting with close cropping and over-cropping, #2 is that there is another canvas to her left which is even more distracting! It might make an appearance if / when I get round to working on another image or two from the shoot.

With regards to the eyes, I was directing her to change her eyes "look at me, now look at the light, now look there" etc so there are a couple of shots with eye contact and a couple of shots without.

I've got no idea what "high key" means, and I've got no idea what is meant by "cross processing" either!

Looking down at here wasn't really a stylistic thing, it's more coincidence in this case - I tried a few different angles, some with her looking down quite steeply, some with me looking down quite steeply.

Quite frankly, I'm surprised that I've ended up with any usable images from the shoot because it was a very hurried affair!
For what its worth, that edit without the canvas looks great :clap:
only thing i would change would be more contrast in the lips and eye
great shots well done
cheers for the comments / advice, folks.

I'm not really sure how to do all the localised stuff in PS - I tried using layer masks and painting in black + white and stuff when I was doing a landscape shot recently and it was pretty tough to not have very obvious lines / artefacts showing where I'd dong things. I suppose I need to find a couple of decent tutorial vids / articles and get practising!
3. without a shadow of a doubt..