My Type R - HDR

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I did this a while back with my Fuji :) Yes, the sky moved a bit :)

One of the least HDR HDRs I've ever seen. So much so that I don't get it (and I won't get started on the whole driveway/ cement mixer thing you've got going on).

To make the effort of HDR worthwhile I'd expect to see much more detail in the shadow - places like lower front grille and tyre treads. As it is I just see emphasised reflections in the car's side. You've tried to take the whole rest of the image to mono but there's patches like the eaves frontage and the drive either side of the car where strange tones seem to be seeping in.

On the plus side - the car's nice and sharp.
Now I am jealous!

I had a cosmic grey premier edition which I had to sell when I started Uni as 70 a week in fuel was no good!

I miss it so much, awesome car.
One of the least HDR HDRs I've ever seen. So much so that I don't get it (and I won't get started on the whole driveway/ cement mixer thing you've got going on).

To make the effort of HDR worthwhile I'd expect to see much more detail in the shadow - places like lower front grille and tyre treads. As it is I just see emphasised reflections in the car's side. You've tried to take the whole rest of the image to mono but there's patches like the eaves frontage and the drive either side of the car where strange tones seem to be seeping in.

On the plus side - the car's nice and sharp.

Well it was my first effort :)
love the car but not the background, maybe something more 'broody' would suit that fab red :)
Ha! The one you labelled 'Not so good' looks huge. At first glance the stand looks likes part of the fence so the massive bike straddles it. Steve McQueen would have got away if he'd had this.
