Natasha Kalasnikova

A lovely selection. For me -
No1 has a combined pose and outfit to match the surroundings, it could tell a number of stories.
No2 is wonderfully positioned to make the lighting work for her (although I would like to have seen the feet).
No3 works well in B&W, dynamic powerful pose and she stands out in front of the tree.
Pretty damn good. I'm not totally sold on the last one as she's the wrong side of the frame looking out of it for me but a good mix of ambient and flash throughout and you have chosen not to totally loose the BG in the first which works nicely.
Lovely colours and composition in 1 and 2.:)
Have to agree with above! Fair play to her getting on the rocks in those heels!!! Think the in focus backgrounds work well.
I think one is very striking, the models outfit really suits the gritty urban surroundings and this could come out if the pages of any fashion magazine.

The second and third images don't quite work for me, the outfits seem in contrast to the surroundings, the rock chick works well in an abandon building but for me not so well in a countryside location.