Natural History Museum


TPer Emeritus
Edit My Images
A few from Sunday



I like them all a lot. Good idea to convert to B+W.......good eye for #3
Excellent Marc, I like them all.

What processing did you use if you don't mind telling? :D
3 is fantastic.....

Spill the beans on the processing........
Love the pictures.
Bought back memories for me, I used to practically live in the place when I was a kid back in the 50's (no computer games then) :LOL:

My mate & me would get the tube to South Ken. spend a few hrs in the museum then on the way home stop in at the Lyons Corner House next to the tube for a cupper & a sticky bun... eee! that were living. :LOL:

That is a fantastic set of pictures - the third one is just wonderfull with the angles (y)

Bet you stayed a lot drier than us in Bury on Sunday :cautious:
Marc, I REALLY like number 2 but I think it would have been improved with more of the floor towards your position. Still very good though (y)
Thank you all for your extremely kind comments. Very much appreciated. (y)

They were converted using Silver Efex with some Tonal Contrast added so nothing particularly skillful on my part I'm afraid.

Stew - Lyons Corner House?? Ooh, me dad is always going on about them. :D

Nick - Only just mate, the rain started mid afternoon as we were heading to the station (We were only in the museum for the first hour or so)

Darren - You'll have to take that one up with the architect. T shot was taken from the staircase balcony at 10mm. :D
Very nice set Marc.
2 I like a lot and 3 I like a lot in another way.
That silver whatever processing sure works.
Well done √
Shoot me for swearing, but they kind of have that HDR feel to them. I know they're not, but...anyways it does work well. If I was to be a pedantic s-o-a-b then I'd say 1 is a fraction off true and not quite even on both sides, but that would be overly critical.
Sublime b&w shots.

#2 is an absolute corker!
All three made me gasp. Bloody brill! Tough call to choose the best. but forcing my eye I'm drawn more to the detail of 3. Top stuff!
Shoot me for swearing, but they kind of have that HDR feel to them. I know they're not, but...anyways it does work well. If I was to be a pedantic s-o-a-b then I'd say 1 is a fraction off true and not quite even on both sides, but that would be overly critical.

Thanks Matt. The first was one of those where I'd straighten and it would make something else look wonky. :D

Sublime b&w shots.

#2 is an absolute corker!

Thanks Scott

All three made me gasp. Bloody brill! Tough call to choose the best. but forcing my eye I'm drawn more to the detail of 3. Top stuff!

Thanks Roger, #3 was pretty much my favourite as well.
magic shots...good hard pp in the conversion
They look like lithographs from early last century, I could imagine finding them as "plates" in an old book
Shoot me for swearing, but they kind of have that HDR feel to them. I know they're not, but...

My thoughts exactly! It is a cracking set marc, really like them. 1st one looks like a sketch from a DK encyclopedia, 2nd one id my favourite though but all great.
superb shots. they look like illustrations in old books. they are great to look at. second one is my fav of that great set
after looking at those shots i want to finally visit this museum
Fantastic shots Marc. The black and white works really well. Number 2 is my favourite because I tried this in July but I couldn't see the floor or stairs because of the crowds. Must stop going home to London in July during the school holidays :bang:
