Nature's Colours - an Open thread

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I've just started taking close up shots and it's made me really realise the colours/light in nature - man-made colours have nothing compared with what nature can provide.

If it interests you post a few of your images, especially now we are moving into Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere

3 shots from a suburban garden this afternoon

Hover fly on Clematis flower


Just rose foilage


Clematis flower

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Great picture of the hoverfly Bill, it looks like you are getting to grips with the new set up (y)
OK I'll play
Both taken with Canon M50 Canon 100mm IS L macro lens while I was bug hunting this afternoon

Buddleia still hanging on in there, feeding the butterfly's.


Dahlia bud, on the verge of opening. Late summer flowering.

A couple of red and green ones
( overall size, about 12 ins, from the shelf to the top of the tree)


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Our tomatoes have been terrible this year -
1st year of trying for me.
3 plants 3 pots, maybe 4 dozen toms all told,
Doesn't seem worth it especially for the amount of water they have been drinking.
I have a couple of those as Bonsai trees, the smallest maybe 4" tall.
Very pretty this time of the year aren't they?

We have one in our very small front garden - I clip it a few times a year to keep it's size down


Stages of a Dahlia


Chinese Cherry apple ( bonsai) fruit about 10mm

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Our Dahlias have done really well this year
That's something else I've jut tried this year.
2 in patio pots, not a bad result.
I guess I'll save the tuba's for next year
Time for a bump

just started raining down here today

Peace Rose

What is the story behind the Peace rose?

It was developed by the French rose breeder, Francis Meilland, between 1935 and 1939 who, when he saw that war with Germany was inevitable, sent cuttings to friends in Italy, Turkey, Germany and the USA. History tells that it was on the very last flight before the German invasion of France.

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It seems that humans aren't the only ones queuing for fuel these days :D

he seems to be carrying something - a small insect - obviously stocking up for the evening meal

you never see stuff like this until you develop the image!
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The Virginia Creeper Autumn collection.

just a bump for this thread - I think that it was a favourite of Chris's (Cobra)

post a few images - over the last week or two everything is starting to bloom

Here's one from me - from last year when I became obsessed with "stacking"

Laowa 100mm f/2.8 manual focus lens

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