Nearly got hit by a football!

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Hi all!

Just thought id share this valuable lesson i learned today with all the budding sports togs out there...

Whilst at Plymouth Argyle FC today, photographing Armed Forces Day, i was running along the outside of the barrier/pitch to get to the opposite side where a pipe band was playing before the start of the game.
There were a few players out warming up etc and as i was running past the goal, a ball flew past just ahead of me, as i turned to look at the pitch i saw another heading straight for me!!! ( i swear the players were using me for target practise!!!)
luckily for me i ducked just in the nick of time and carried on running, camera in hand, much to the amusement of the nearby 'Green Army'!!! :D

So folks the moral of the story is - if your gonna shoot sports, KEEP YOUR WITS ABOUT YOU or alternatively grow eyes in the back of your head!!! lol

I nearly ended up with a sore head and a bruised ego!
yeah can be dangerous at times, I try to stay back and out the way as much as possible but there comes a time when you need to pass
Did you watch the England France game? A live feed camera man nearly for hit by a kick into touch, so much so that he tripped on his arse infront of the whole stadium, plus everyone watching on tv....

Count yourself lucky :) lol....
Super Bowl this year.. now there was a proper hit .. and that guy still kept filming...
The T word in the subject might be acceptable down south but its downright disgusting up north :)
The real moral of the story is don't run past the Army wearing a Naval uniform because they'll get you!
Saw the thread title earlier and chuckled out loud.

Tw....d (to be smacked) is an expression I grew up with in Warrington but isn't something I've heard for years since moving up here.
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I`m intrigued now, did the original say twatted?
I reckoned as much, cheers Phil.
Warming up time is a nightmare! Its bad enough when there's just one ball flying around. I usually stay near the dugouts and sort my camera out in relative safety - its hard to keep an eye on all of 'em!
Better than a red hot tea bag or cup of coffee.:puke: :LOL:

sorry guys, wasnt aware that 't*****d' was a naughty word in some places!
I shall go wash my mouth out with soap!!! :puke:
Like Kipax I thought it was an unacceptable word to use, but just to check I lloked it up on an urban dictionary and I really did LOL at this

The passed tense of tweetting, using twitter
Have you ever used the site twitter?

why yes I have t***ted.

The past-tense of the verb word "tweet" in reference to the social networking site Twitter, as defined by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA
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Had a rugby ball smash into the back of my Macbook but thankfully no damage. 400mm next to me at the Rec at Bath last week got hit by a high flying ball, but apparently no real damage either (y)

Did you watch the England France game? A live feed camera man nearly for hit by a kick into touch, so much so that he tripped on his arse infront of the whole stadium, plus everyone watching on tv....

Count yourself lucky :) lol....

I wondered if Cueto was going to try and stop the camera from falling :LOL:
Wasn' there a picture or somethinh in one of the newspapers of a golf ball going strating into the camera at one of the events this year or last.

I quite like the sort of shots that literally are coming right at the camera. I wouldn't like to be behind the camera though!!
Super Bowl this year.. now there was a proper hit .. and that guy still kept filming...

Now thats dedication to the job! :clap:
I forget who the visiting team were but I got a shot from one of their subs absolutely belted full blast into the side of my head as I crossed past the goal during warm up (a foolish thing to do) at a Blyth game. The visiting players and fans (who were behind me) found it hilarious! Just took it in good spirit and gave a quick 'bow', the side of my face was 'burning' for quite a while afterwards.:LOL: Still, I'd rather it was me who took the blow rather than my camera equipment, which is kept well clear of the goal at all times! My Laptop also got a 'brushing' from another warm strike by a Hartlepool United striker at their ground, luckily it was undamaged. As has been said, make sure you are nowhere near the goals (or the 'practice' goals, if they use them) when it is time for shooting practice!

Other than those, aside from one or two with sliding tackles I haven't had too many close calls, I'm usually too far towards the corner flag for errant shots, I also prefer to be behind ad boards whenever possible!
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Better than a red hot tea bag or cup of coffee.:puke: :LOL:

A matter of oppinion. Couple of seasons ago I had to fend of a clearance by a Hull City defender. He hit the ball so hard it bent my fingers right back and had to have physio for a couple of weeks. This season I got splattered by a cup of coffee thown by a disgrunted Millwall fan just as they conceded a second goal to Doncaster Rovers. :bat:
Them Millwall fans, such playful little buggers.:)
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That shot proves that sometimes getting the 'best' shot is as much about good luck as anything else.
Did you watch the England France game? A live feed camera man nearly for hit by a kick into touch, so much so that he tripped on his arse infront of the whole stadium, plus everyone watching on tv....

Count yourself lucky :) lol....

Bless YouTube

They showed a shot later of him being ribbed by other staff.
I think you must have missed the bit where I said that the snapper stood next to mark pain tells me it missed entirely. I know who I'd believe.

I didn't.
Couple years back I shot a steel-cage football match. These cages are portable so they can be set up in housing schemes and are intended for use by kids. On this occassion they were being used by adults. No chance of a ball to the face but when 3 big guys chasing a football at full speed crash into the side of the flimsy metal cage that you're clinging onto it's scary enough!
Bless YouTube

They showed a shot later of him being ribbed by other staff.

As well as giving his camera gear a good checking over.

I've been hit by rugby balls a couple of times, and had a celebrating player try and drag me into the team celebration as well.