Need help buying some new gear!

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I got canon 60D as a present and now I want to buy lens and flash. Problem is that I`m completely dumb when it comes to comparing equipment etc. :bonk: So I would appreciate your advices on what gear is best keeping in mind that I have low budget. And maybe you know some good places to buy it? Do you trust ebay?

I mainly shoot portraits and events such as weddings.

Thanks guys!
One of the best lenses you can buy for a 60D is the 50mm f/1.8 Mk II (the 'nifty fifty'). It's almost as cheap as chips but it's not very well built. If you look after it very carefully, you'll probably get some of your very best photos from it.

I trust eBay to a certain extent and haven't had any problems with it so far, though I only trust PayPal about as far as I can spit. I'd far rather buy from Amazon or one of the smaller independents.

Oh, and welcome to the forums! :)
I mainly shoot portraits and events such as weddings.
What have you been using up until now? And what sort of style of shooting do you have. Some examples of your style would help suggest something that might fit in with it.

What lenses do you already have ?

What are you looking for that your current line doesn't give / how it restricts you
Hi, welcome to the forums.

Providing you do your homework and read through the person's feedback, particularly as a seller, then ebay can work. I've bought 2 x lens and a camera off it (all seperate transactions), and all with good experiences.

The other option is to buy off the classified section of forums such as this one or avforum, however you still need to do your homework and read through itrader comments and post history. Again I've had very positive experiences down this route and I would recommend it.

Enjoy your new purchase!
Note that to access to classifieds on here you need to have been a member for a set period and have minimum number of posts.

I bought a second hand EOS1000D on here and then followed it with a 50mm 1.8 "nifty fifty" as others have suggested but its very dependent on what you want to photograph. To be honest I've not used it that much as its not the fastest lens and my target is constantly moving (young son). Am about to invest in a good quality flash for indoor shots and hopefully that will help with the nifty too :)
Thanks a lot guys for your replies!. Up until now I have the simplest lens and nothing else ;/ But I`m trying to bring my photography to the next level so I need to gear up!
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My hit rate of spot-on focussing when taking photo's indoors went up significantly when I started using flash. I know that sounds obvious in terms of light levels, but what i hadn't anticipated was that the infra red beam on the flashgun makes a huge effect on obtaining sharper focus.

I wish I had known that several months ago!

I bought a second hand 550 ex for about £130 which is fantastic but to be honest is too big. I would look at the 430 II ex which picks up very positive feedback.