
I'm not a great fan of heavily processed images BUT if you're going to overdo it, overdo it completely!!! (I actually quite like these!!! That'll surprise John if he sees this!)
I'm with you on that mate - I dont generally do a lot of PP but I was just playing trying to learn some new things (I'm not a fan of reading how to manuals and I think I learn more from experimentation than by doing things parrot fashion ) and I actually managed to produce something which I think is quite cool so thought I'd share and see what others thought
I'm not a great fan of heavily processed images BUT if you're going to overdo it, overdo it completely!!! (I actually quite like these!!! That'll surprise John if he sees this!)

John who :thinking:

I tend to go wild now & again but it depends what the image is & how my mood takes me. And this has led me all over the place :eek: I must confess I'm not a fan of this particular technique but the OP should say "SOD everyone" if it's something he likes :clap:
Indeed, John. It's so much more in what we like (as amateurs, we're the end users - pros have customers to please!) than pleasing others!

One tip - don't print these images - they work far better as radiated images than reflected ones (and that much black will drink ink!!!)
Nod - you & me would NOT make good 'Pros' as we don't like being told what to do - well except by our beloved respective wifes :clap:
And let's face it, we both need their guidance!!!
I'm thinking that by cloning out the background detail (road and the kerb) so that it's just the motorbike and rider and then add a bit more black spacing around it (not too much, though) and I reckon this will make a different idea work better. I think it'll work with the first one, at least.
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I'm thinking that by cloning out the background detail (road and the kerb) so that it's just the motorbike and rider and then add a bit more black spacing around it (not too much, though) and I reckon this will make a different idea work better. I think it'll work with the first one, at least.

Yes that sounds like a good way to try.
Really good, like 2 the best, verry alternative and all the better for it