Neutral Density Filter

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I'm wanting to start doing daytime long exposures of things such as waterfalls and to capture movement in the clouds. I'm struggling with what NDF to go for. I have a cannon 100D

Does anybody have any recommendations?

Thank you in advance
Decide what shutter speed you want, and work back from there towards a "normal" exposure (say, Sunny-16) to work out how many stops ND you need.
Waterfalls need a lot less than clouds, Anything from 10-16 stops for clouds and maybe a 2,3 up to 6 stop for waterfalls.
Is there a specific make I need for a cannon100D ?

No, but you need a specific size, depending on the lens. It may be written around the front of the lens, or inside the lens cap, or check the handbook.

For the kind of work you're wanting to do, most people use a ten-stops ND filter - also known as 3.0 in optical density, or x1000 filter factor. Don't forget to cover the viewfinder when using strong ND filters as light can creep in there and make a right mess of things. Don't worry about minor colour casts - shoot Raw and correct in post-processing.
If you decide to opt for the circular screw in type, get the biggest diameter size you're ever likely to need. This will allow you to use the same filter on all of your lenses by using cheap step up rings.