New bag required - any suggestions

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Hi everyone.

Having just got my 2nd body a few days ago off here I am now in need of a bag that will take 2 gripped bodies (Gripped 5DII and a Gripped 40D).
I currently have a Flipside 400 but that does not really want to house the second body.

Has anyone got any suggestions?

The ideal kit list would be something along the lines of this

Gripped 5DII
Gripped 40D
17-40L / 50mm 1.8 / 85mm 1.8
Sigma 70-200 f/2.8

I would also like enough room so I could also house at least 1 flash and triggers, anything extra is a bonus.

Thanks everyone in advance

Are you looking for another rucksack type bag or are you not bothered as long as it fits the kit- so pro roller/shoulder bag would be fine for example?

How much do you want to spend- £10, £20 ,£300?

Might help narrow it down a bit:)
I would prefer another sack but a shoulder bag would be ok if it was the best option.

I have looked at both the Prorunner AW450 and the vertex 300
The Pro Runner might just about do the job but will not provide much in the way of future proofing. The Vertex 300 is a fantastic bag but is very big and is slighty too large to carry around on a regular basis. I have been looking for something that is between the two or something different that I have not come across yet that would do the job. I have not really set a price. the vertex is around £139 at the moment so dont really want to spend much more than that.

I will be going to focus in march so if there is something that will do the job i might be able to get a better deal there.
Kata Bumblebee perhaps? Although it is a bit pricey.
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Have a look at the F-Stop range various sizes and the Guru is a great day sack which will take a fair bit of kit ie. pro bodies and glass.
I recently got a Tamrac Expedition 9x rucksack and it's big. I've got 2 gripped bodies, a 5D2 with 24-105 L attached and a 7D with 100-400 attached each way down the centre, a Canon 70-200, 100 macro, an MP-E65 macro and a nifty fifty. On top of that I've got 2 speedlights and a ringflash, extension tube set and teleconverter and all the filters, batteries, chargers and other usual stuff and a netbook. Its even able to carry a tripod in a pocket and strap rig. It's not cheap at around £175 but it is really well made and nicely finished.

Are you a bodybuilder? That must weigh a ton. I don't think I'd be able to walk far with that lot :LOL:
Thanks a lot everyone for all the replies. I will try and have a good look at them over the next few weeks. A number the companies are going to be at focus so I may wait until then to buy.

Thank you all again
