New budget telephoto zoom lens - EF-S 55-250mm IS?

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I bought a 300D a few months ago to get me started in the DSLR world, it came with the kit 18-55mm lens and a Sigma 70-300mm (non-APO) lens.

Initially I was happy, but the Sigma had always had a very clunky zoom ring which made slight adjustments to zoom a bit awkward at times when trying to keep the body still. I have also started to notice it's slight softness towards the 300mm end.

I gather that the APO version is an improved version of my lens, and that some are not all that impressed with that, so maybe plenty of room for improvement?

I am going to Le Mans next month, and hope to get some nice shots, so I decided to start looking around at replacement lenses.

After spotting the EF-S 55-250mm IS, and deciding that the loss of 50mm worth of zoom doesn't seem too much I thought it would be a good bet at around £150.

Can anyone comment on how the IQ of this lens would compare to my Sigma? Is it worth trading a budget lens, for yet another budget lens?

I understand that the 70-300mm IS is well regarded, but it's almost double the price - is it worth it? If I were to spend that then I have seen 2nd hand 70-200mm L f/4 lenses go for similar prices, which I guess would be a good investment, but maybe not long enough for what I want?

Is the single stage IS on the 55-250mm able to cope with panning? I gather that some other IS lenses have two settings to cope with panning?

I was on the verge of pushing the 'buy' button on one of these tonight, but started reading around again.

These can be had for £135 delivered (from HK) which seems a bargain, especially as all of the shots I have seen look pretty sharp.
Is there anything else that compares from say Tamron or Sigma?

I would like the 70-300mm IS but I can't justify the new price at the moment, although I was offered a 2nd hand one for £250 which seemed a good price.
I've a friend who has one. We played swapsies for an hour or so a few months back.
It seemed to be a very capable lens. Nice and quiet and quick to focus. The reviews I've read of it agree with what I found.
For its cost it's right up there with the 70-300 IS, maybe even better.

If you are not planning on going full frame (1D/5D) then it will be a good addition to your bag
no idea about comparisons, but i have seen a few reviews saying the 55-200 is sharp.

also bear in mind you may get charged import duty on the lens if you import from HK.
a member on this forum by the name of Kerso imports lenses and ships them from scotland(so no import charge) for about the same if not cheaper. unfortunately i think he is on holiday at the mo. should be back next week i think
I have read the reviews and it does sound good for the money. I have no immediate plans to upgrade to full frame, if I were to upgrade it would probably be a 30/40D so still cropped.

I understand I could be at mercy to import tac, but I have bought plenty of stuff from the US & HK and never been charged as yet. I did contact Kerso but as you say he is away at the moment. I think I will hold out to see what sort of price he can offer me one for :)
I have read the reviews and it does sound good for the money. I have no immediate plans to upgrade to full frame, if I were to upgrade it would probably be a 30/40D so still cropped.

I understand I could be at mercy to import tac, but I have bought plenty of stuff from the US & HK and never been charged as yet. I did contact Kerso but as you say he is away at the moment. I think I will hold out to see what sort of price he can offer me one for :)

I asked the same question of Kerso a few weeks back and he was in the region of £165 + £10 delivery (hope it not against the rules to post this!) for the 55-250 IS. The next best I found was onestop (HK) at £155... can I ask where you are getting yours for £135?
Thanks for that barbs, there is a seller on ebay that has the for £135 all in, I believe it is edigi_hk. I'm trying to get an idea of shipping time though, I will have to email them. I don't mind waiting a little if I'm going to save some money, but I would like to have it before Le Mans next month.
Well, I've bought one :)

I went on ebay again today to check feedback on some HK sellers, and noticed that one had just gone on in 'as new' condition with warranty for £130 BIN. I snapped it up!
Checking the feedback looks like the seller bought it from HK a few weeks back for the same price they sold it for, at least this way I don't have to wait or risk taxes :)
Good buy mate, was utterly surprised with mine, its a FANTASTIC lens, one of my most recent shots done with it:

Combat Squirrel - great shot mate, it's shots like those that helped me decide to go for it :)

Does the IS deal with panning OK?
Combat Squirrel - great shot mate, it's shots like those that helped me decide to go for it :)

Does the IS deal with panning OK?

Some of the pro L lenses have an 'ickle switch for mode1 mode2, the latter turns off IS in the horizontal so panning works (ie the 70-200 f2.8 IS does). I dont think the EFS lenses have this (my 17-55 f2.8 doesnt)

I've just read that the 55-250 has "automatic panning detection" see (near the end)
Combat Squirrel - great shot mate, it's shots like those that helped me decide to go for it :)

Does the IS deal with panning OK?

Yeah pretty good, if your going -really- slow it takes a second to kick in (it will already be doing IS anyways if your holding the shutter button half way down), but then if its that slow camera shake will be much less of a problem. If you shooting birds thats fine, as you move left/right pretty quick, I guess its the accelerometer in the lens.

Great lens mate, you'll enjoy it :)
Received it today - mint :)

Had a quick play this evening in low light and the IS seems pretty good, a bit weird when it kicks in, but good. Even at 1s shutter speeds handheld it is pretty sharp (preview at least) and obviously much improved over non-IS.

Hopefully I'll get chance to give it a good go tomorrow :)

CS - Have you got the hood for yours? Debating whether to get one, at least for protection.
Hey dude, Yeah got a hood for mine, actually a really cheap rubber one off ebay thats soft rubber and allows 3 positions for it, folded back, half snapped into place for 'wide angle' 55mm shots and u can push it more forwards for longer zoom ranges.

Much prefer it than 'proper' hoods as it takes any impact better being deformable and absorbs light better as its matt black, just my personal preference though, also at £4.50 delivered you cant argue, lol
...I understand that the 70-300mm IS is well regarded, but it's almost double the price - is it worth it? If I were to spend that then I have seen 2nd hand 70-200mm L f/4 lenses go for similar prices, which I guess would be a good investment, but maybe not long enough for what I want?....

A 70-200m f/4 would be a good buy. You could get a new one for under £350 and I reckon you'd find one second hand for under £300.

Regarding the 70-300mm IS f4-5.6, I use one for work purposes and it's been a revelation over the older non-IS zooms of the same focal length. I think we paid about £300 but it's paid for itself already in the number of 300mm shots we've used over a DPS in the magazine. Okay, the max aperture at 300mm is f/5.6, but it's sharp all the way and it a brilliant lens for the money.

Definitely money well spent I think.

EDIT: ** must read all posts before puttting fingers to keyboard**
i bought one from that seller on ebay with the 70-200, and i can honestly say that it is an immense lens. Only been out twice really with it, but it is really really good, clear, sharp, nigh on silent, and focuses real quick. You get the looks too, with people seeing the silver/grey/cream lens that only L series lenses have.
That is very cheap for a new 70-200 f/4, I would be tempted by one - but not at the moment as I have too much other stuff to be spending money on!!

Not so sure that the looks would be high on my list though, makes it an easier target for theives.

Anyhow, the weather today is awful so probably won't get much of an oppurtunity to test my new lens :(
My friend has this lens and he loves it, havent seen any images that he has taken with it yet but he likes it alot.
Awful weather again, but did a basic comparison against my Sigma 70-300 at 70mm, 100mm and 250mm - not loads between the at 70mm (slightly better colour on the Canon maybe) but at 250mm the Canon is far sharper. Both tripod mounted, so no IS on the Canon.

I'll post up some comparison shots when I get chance.