New camera

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I am about to purchase my first SLR camera. I am limiting myself to £400, reason being that if I don't get into it then I haven't shelled out to much. I've been into fishing for 30 years and decided I need a new interest, hoping to combine the two.

I have looked at the starter cameras and I can pick up a used D3100 which is described as a started camera. Most of my pictures will be wildlife I see whilst outside, landscapes, buildings etc.

If anyone has any advice on any other used cameras around my budget it would be appreciated.

Just found this deal for £449 at PC World.

PENTAX K-r Digital SLR Camera + 18-55mm Zoom Lens & 50-200mm Zoom Lens
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for wildlife you may find that you want something longer than 200mm (or perhaps a Macro).
I have looked on ebay and there does seem to be a fair few used's sets far sale. For me its a minefield at the minute, knowing which one is better than the other. I'll keep on reading, its coming to me slowly.
It can be a bit daunting spending that much money. Take your time and think about what you want to do with it and where you plan to go gear wise, expected future cost should also be taken into account too.

Spend your pennies wisely, brand change can be costly if you decide that one brand isn't taking you in the right direction.

have a look on the for sale section on here
ive had some good bargains, and you can get something better for the same money

this is a good buy body only

a couple of 40ds as well up for grabs

also seen a sigma 70-300 for £100 not the best lens but within your budget.

have a look at them and make an offer, you may get them a bit cheaper

OP can't see the classified section mate.

You have to be logged into forum to see for sale section
And be a member for more than 60 days and posted more than a certain number of posts.. IIRC..
yup, seems to be the case! I'm looking for a 5d classic and can't see the Classified either! 60 days and someone on here would have lost a sale!


Yea me to! I've been on the lookout for a 40d and a couple of lenses but can't see what deals I might have missed out on:thumbsdown:
silure130 said:
I am about to purchase my first SLR camera. I am limiting myself to £400, reason being that if I don't get into it then I haven't shelled out to much. I've been into fishing for 30 years and decided I need a new interest, hoping to combine the two.

I have looked at the starter cameras and I can pick up a used D3100 which is described as a started camera. Most of my pictures will be wildlife I see whilst outside, landscapes, buildings etc.

If anyone has any advice on any other used cameras around my budget it would be appreciated.

Just found this deal for £449 at PC World.

PENTAX K-r Digital SLR Camera + 18-55mm Zoom Lens & 50-200mm Zoom Lens

If it's that price in pc world then shop about and I'll bet you'll find it substantially cheaper elsewhere.

Good luck
Decided to treat myself to a new D3100 today. This is my first SLR so its going to be an adventure, which I'm sure I will enjoy. I'm out tomorrow to have a play with it.
silure130 said:
Decided to treat myself to a new D3100 today. This is my first SLR so its going to be an adventure, which I'm sure I will enjoy. I'm out tomorrow to have a play with it.

Congratulations and I'm sure you'll be very pleased with your new purchase.
I picked up the D5100 last week as my first digital SLR and am overall very happy with it.
My last camera I bought approximately 25 years ago and things were very different then so getting used to all this RAW and sharpness etc is taking some time.
Well done and nice choice. Now let's see some pics:)

Thanks. Everyone in the house is in hiding for fear of getting their picture taken! I am looking to get a guide book if you can recommend an author.
silure130 said:
Thanks. Everyone in the house is in hiding for fear of getting their picture taken! I am looking to get a guide book if you can recommend an author.

I looked briefly for one myself only a few days ago and saw that 'Nikon D3100 for dummies'. sadly I did not have the time to read any of it so cannot say if it is any good.

I get the impression that it may be a little basic but please don't quote me on that as I may be totally wrong.

Pc world had it in stock so may be worth a thumb through a copy if you get the time.

Let me know if you find anything as I am looking myself.

I wish everyone in my house would hide!!!! Perhaps I should get the camera out!!!!!

I have decided to go with this one from Amazon. Its a decent price and has good reviews.

Nikon D3100 Digital Field Guide by J. Dennis Thomas.