New D800E Serial Number

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I have just bought a 'new' D800E from a major dealer in the south east. The camera appeared pristine, and, thankfully, appears to snap sharply into focus using the left most point (I haven't done anything more methodical so far).
Now I see that current serial numbers are > 611xxxx
Mine is 601xxxx

Have I been sold a demo ?
As far as I know, I recorded the first actuation, but I have not been able to confirm that my EXIF peeping.
This forum; I saw a post in another thread which gave the 611xxxx serial number.
By the way Matthew, an upload of jpeg to says that the true shutter count matches the current exposure numbering. Does that mean that it was never a demo ?
If the camera is pristine, the box and bagging didn't look as if they had been opened then it's likely just been sat unsold in the stock room until you bought it. If it's working perfectly and you did the 1st actuation (confirmed on the shutter count site) then I wouldn't worry about it as it sounds like it's a brand new camera.
By the way Matthew, an upload of jpeg to says that the true shutter count matches the current exposure numbering. Does that mean that it was never a demo ?

Could do if you've took that number of shots with it that would be my assumption, I'll be honest I've only ever brought 2 camera my 450D and my 5D3 and both of them I was far to excited to get out playing with them to worry about shutter counts etc, if the actuations match what you expect I really wouldn't worry about a serial number, who's to say why it's an apparent older camera...
Thanks for the reassurance guys. I really didn't fancy that drag back to Burgess Hill.
I am actually really happy with the camera. Rough and ready lens AF calibrations seem to indicate build quality like D700, rather than D7000.
Thanks for the reassurance guys. I really didn't fancy that drag back to Burgess Hill. I am actually really happy with the camera. Rough and ready lens AF calibrations seem to indicate build quality like D700, rather than D7000.
Of course it is built like the D700 rather than the D7000 :D It is a full frame, advanced dslr. The D7000 is DX and not full metal jacket. It's also a fair bit lighter and smaller. Serial on mine is 600xxxx. That's a year old and never has one problem with it bar the odd egg-timer screen after using full power off cam flash.