New guy here. Feedback appreciated

links are no good... you know how to get onto the internet.. you know how to set up a flickr account.. you know how to upload and display on that account.. you know how to link to the flickr account and you know how to sign up to a mB ....

Are you seriously saying that posting a pictures is going to be too hard for you? ..

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I think Tony is trying to say that more people will look if you post the pic on the thread rather than a link. Apologies from Tony as he gets a bit excited :)

The swan is a good starting point. The one thing I would say is that when photographing wildlife you should always try to be a eye level with them. This will make a big difference. Try again but get lower down. Also keep your eye on the exposure :)

welcome to the site.
The swan is a good starting point. The one thing I would say .

So you went and looked? pandering to laziness ....I dunno ..

Oh yeagh.. forgot that bit.. welcome to TP :)
I apologise KIPAX but i have never used a forum before. Didnt realise it was that simple. Here we go.Thanks for the advice.

I apologise KIPAX

Why apologise to me? I just wanted to make the point it wasnt that hard to didnt offend me :)

The swan... lie on the floor and take the same shot and you will get a massive different picture :)
No problem KIPAX. Thanks for the pointers. The only problem is im 6"4 and have a large belly!! So i was bent down as far as my gut would allow. Will definately lay down next time.

theres no exif info wiht your pic either (did you save for web? thats rips it out) with exif we can see what settings you used.. looks a little under exposed to me...just a little.
Im a complete novice and at present am still learning so im not completely confidant with exposure. I shall endever to get to grips woth it though.

Well you and Tony have at least one thing in common :D :cautious:

A good first effort Matthew, hard to tell if exposure is about right or not really with this one, the head and neck are naturaly darker anyway and this picture might well accurately represent the type of dull light which was cast at the time. The lower point of view usualy gives more impact on Swan shots, as does a wide angle lens. Look forward to seeing some more (y)
Well you and Tony have at least one thing in common :D :cautious:

I laughed out loud then... which is a bit sad with only me in the room :)
I like the swan shot btw & welcome to the forum. Constructive feedback in this context should be more than welcomed (even by those who did not start the thread) after all, how does one learn these things without the help of the experienced? I know I have only been here on this site a short while compared to most, but the feedback and constructive comments I have had, have helped me develop my skills both in terms of photo editing & photography in general and I welcomed such comments from my very first thread.
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I like the shot. Nice effort. Yet to take one of any bird yet myself!
White or black birds are notoriously difficult to photograph in certain conditions. This makes them an excellent way to learn your camera and in particular to learn about handling light and exposure.
As for your post, it's a bit dull looking and i'm not really too keen on the composition of the shot either. However, the head is nice and sharp, and i like how you've captured the water droplets on it.
Keep practicing, and you'll soon be taking much better shots.
Nice shot for a start Frey.

I agree with getting down nice and low for a shot, as you say that you're 6'4 and have a large belly, be careful you don't roll into the water! :D

Joking aside, all I can say is keep taking pictures and get to know your camera. I feel its more important that you know how to use your camera and how to control different aspects of it like, exposure, shutter speed, aperture and white balance. Once you know how to control those to a good extent, then it'll all fall into place for a really good shot.

All the best and good luck, I'll look forwards to be seeing your results on here!
Jeez, Tony you have been around long enough to know how we play around these parts, and it isn't the way you posted at the top of this thread. You could easily have worded it better and I am sure you know people use the internet in different ways and might not be a "skilled" as you at using forums. Luckily the OP hasn't taken offence but it hardly looks good to anyone passing through does it?

I have cleaned this thread of the off topic stuff, so if we can get this back on track with the photo in question that would be swell.
Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of TP, like has been said above, nice effort but as you settle in here take on board any advice you are given and you will soon see a difference. As for getting down, someone needs to point you to the bittern thread where someone spent hours freezing to get the shots, no pain no gain :D

just remember that the typed word can be taken many ways, very often not in the way it is meant, TP is a very friendly forum that is modded with common sense and full of very very good photographers.
Have a look around the sections and see what others are doing, it doesn't mean you have to copy but it will give you inspiration.
My last bit of advice is this: never be afraid to post your pics for critique and if you don't get the comments you expected, take them on board and bounce back.
Best wishes