New Imac

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I am just on the verge of switching to apple, we have 2 iPhones, 2 iPads and various iPods and Apple TV in the house so the switch from pc to an apple device makes sense.

I am currently looking at the 27in iMac which comes with 8gb memory but not sure if I need to upgrade to 16gb ? Will be using it for PP, is it worth spending a further £160 to take it to 16 ?
Yes, it's worth it, but don't order your RAM from apple.

Get the base 8Gb from apple and order another 8Gb from Crucial (2 x 4Gb).
You could also order 16Gb (2 x 8Gb) which would give you a total of 24Gb without replacing the 8 you already have.

If I'm not mistaken the 16Gb option ( 24 total) will cost you around £100
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Yes, it's worth it, but don't order your RAM from apple.

Get the base 8Gb from apple and order another 8Gb from Crucial (2 x 4Gb).
You could also order 16Gb (2 x 8Gb) which would give you a total of 24Gb without replacing the 8 you already have.


I did it last year, bought an 8GB but upgraded it to 12 via Crucial and its running LR4.2 and CS6 very happily indeed. (y)
IOS is completely different to OSX.

Just because you like IOS, doesn't mean you will like OSX.

Play with one in an apple store, try some stuff out and see how it goes.

OSX usage figures have started to drop slightly over the last few months and some of it I think is people loving their idevices and expecting OSX to be as good.

I use one Mac, I have to restart it a few times each day. All it is used for on a daily basis is iTunes with iMatch. Yet it buggers up twice a day on average out of its 8 hours use a day.

I'm not bashing apple as I love iOS. I just find OSX odd and don't see the appeal.

Make up your own mind by using one first.

Are they better, are they worth it?
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Bugger have just thrown a very large spanner in the works.
IOS is completely different to OSX.

Just because you like IOS, doesn't mean you will like OSX.

Play with one in an apple store, try some stuff out and see how it goes.

OSX usage figures have started to drop slightly over the last few months and some of it I think is people loving their idevices and expecting OSX to be as good.

I use one Mac, I have to restart it a few times each day. All it is used for on a daily basis is iTunes with iMatch. Yet it buggers up twice a day on average out of its 8 hours use a day.

I'm not bashing apple as I love iOS. I just find OSX odd and don't see the appeal.

Make up your own mind by using one first.

Are they better, are they worth it?


I had one and loved everything about it except for OSX. I had it dual booted to run windows for almost the whole time I had it.
Bugger have just thrown a very large spanner in the works.

I suspect he is the exception rather than the rule - yes, of course macs can be tempermental, yes they can break down, but generally, most people I know using them are not saying this. Mine is on all day every day, gets rebooted maybe once a week at most, no problems at all. Same with the laptop [MBP], that probably gets turned off twice a week, again, no issues. Just to show life is not perfect, it did have a HD failure at 1 yr old [year and half ago now]- but the S.M.A.R.T system built into OSX warned me, giving me time to backup and get down to local genius bar to get it sorted. OSX IS different to IOS btw, but as another former windows user, I can say its doesn't take that much getting used to ;)
In my house we have 4 ipods, 2 ipads, 1 apple TV and 3 airport express.

iOS and iTunes I love. OSX leaves a lot to be desired. Some stuff is in odd places and other stuff is plain odd.

£1800 (2.9Ghz, 16Gb and apple care) is a lot. It is a huge gamble.

You can get a barebones tower with the same spec with a load of storage (SSD and big data drives) for under £700. Then get a really good monitor (if you don't have one already) for £300 or so (no idea, but I know you can get recon dell monitors off ebay).

So we have a difference of £800 still.

Big gamble.

The hard part is trying it, there isn't a try before you buy option.
Another mac user here and love it. Yes it take a bit of getting used to if moving over from windows, but its a totally different OS.

Hey at least apple are smart enough to have separate desktop and mobile/tablet OS's

My imac is on 24/7. Never, ever gets turned off and only rebooted on the rare occasion that an OS update requires it.
It is used extensively from 8am to 5pm running multiple browser windows, word, excel, photoshop, lightroom, dreamweaver, email, skype and various other apps. Every runs very smoothly on 16Gb, never slows down, never freezes.

My advise is to go and try one and make up your own mind.
Hey at least apple are smart enough to have separate desktop and mobile/tablet OS's

We'll come back to that statement in 2 years time ;)

My imac is on 24/7. Never, ever gets turned off and only rebooted on the rare occasion that an OS update requires it.
It is used extensively from 8am to 5pm running multiple browser windows, word, excel, photoshop, lightroom, dreamweaver, email, skype and various other apps. Every runs very smoothly on 16Gb, never slows down, never freezes.

My advise is to go and try one and make up your own mind.

That is what computers are supposed to do :), do you want to come and see 9 PCs and 4 servers doing the same thing as that? It is nothing to brag about. Most of these run extremely smoothly on 8Gb.

The problem we think with the Mac we use is something to do with the onboard wireless and iMatch causing issues, will be switching to wireless soon.
£160 for an extra 8GB of RAM? It would be £40 for a PC.

Just thought I'd mention that.

Oh... and I'll just leave this here...

My MacBook is used for PP in Lr4 and PsE11. It gets left on for weeks at a time, never had an issue beyond the occasional sluggishness which usually just means it needs a reboot.

Aftermarket ram is the way to go, apples prices are stupid. Also don't forget to budget for a decent external hard drive for backups.
That is what computers are supposed to do :)
Yes... exactly... Some people think 24/7 is exceptional. It's the norm ;) The only time most of our computers go off is when the power goes out for longer than the UPS' ;)
Spend £1000 on a pc that will blow a mac away and still have change....... Macs are different completely to there devices, I've got a 27inch iMac and i use my pc more!!! Seriously think about rhe pc you can have for a cheaper price that does exactly the same :)
That is what computers are supposed to do , do you want to come and see 9 PCs and 4 servers doing the same thing as that? It is nothing to brag about. Most of these run extremely smoothly on 8Gb.

I sense a bit of a Mac vs PC argument coming along so I'll bow out now.
You told the OP about your experiences with a Mac and I told him mine. I didn't need to be told how PC's are meant to operate. ;)
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That is what computers are supposed to do :), do you want to come and see 9 PCs and 4 servers doing the same thing as that? It is nothing to brag about. Most of these run extremely smoothly on 8Gb.

The problem we think with the Mac we use is something to do with the onboard wireless and iMatch causing issues, will be switching to wireless soon.

Yes but mentioned because you said you had a mac that would shut down regularly - personally I would expect all modern computers to be able to run constantly without needing a reboot for anything other than update necessities - if it doesn't there is a problem, hence its been pointed out that it seems a rare problem, not the norm. I could tell you about the brand new Windows 8 machine at work that was doing the same for several days until eventually it got itself into a constant loop of rebooting and never starting up properly. SIX flaming hours of my life wasted sorting the darned thing out, for an issue I could have resolved on an XP machine in 20 mins, simply because its so different from previous versions - but that doesn't mean all W8 machines will do the same. Horses for courses (y)
In my house we have 4 ipods, 2 ipads, 1 apple TV and 3 airport express.

iOS and iTunes I love. OSX leaves a lot to be desired. Some stuff is in odd places and other stuff is plain odd.

£1800 (2.9Ghz, 16Gb and apple care) is a lot. It is a huge gamble.

You can get a barebones tower with the same spec with a load of storage (SSD and big data drives) for under £700. Then get a really good monitor (if you don't have one already) for £300 or so (no idea, but I know you can get recon dell monitors off ebay).

So we have a difference of £800 still.

Big gamble.

The hard part is trying it, there isn't a try before you buy option.

I hear what you are saying but....

I have had endless trouble with PCs ranging from virus after virus, bug after bug, crash after crash, hell I've even had our bank account emptied through our PC online banking and I've had enough, I've spent ££££'s on anti virus software over the last few years and a whole lot more on getting the dam thing fixed/replaced and to be fair...I'm done with a PC
I hear what you are saying but....

I have had endless trouble with PCs ranging from virus after virus, bug after bug, crash after crash, hell I've even had our bank account emptied through our PC online banking and I've had enough, I've spent ££££'s on anti virus software over the last few years and a whole lot more on getting the dam thing fixed/replaced and to be fair...I'm done with a PC

Don't forget that Mac are not immune to viruses, malware etc.

They are not as common on Macs and I have never used anti virus on my mac since switching 4 years ago, but I consider myself tech savvy and do not visit dodgy websites, never click unknown links in emails etc etc. so far touch wood I've had no problems. I also run my mac as a standard user with no administrator rights so should something try to make system changes I should be prompted for the admin username and password before any damage is done.
I hear what you are saying but....

I have had endless trouble with PCs ranging from virus after virus, bug after bug, crash after crash, hell I've even had our bank account emptied through our PC online banking and I've had enough, I've spent ££££'s on anti virus software over the last few years and a whole lot more on getting the dam thing fixed/replaced and to be fair...I'm done with a PC

User error, might be yours or another person using your computer. It is not an issue with Windows.

Getting a Mac won't stop your money being stolen, that isn't a virus, that is spyware, keylogging, not paying attention when online etc.

If you've had enough of PCs, then try a Mac, but don't expect it to cure your issues, you need to look at what you or someone else is doing on the computer to prevent this from happening.

Microsoft recommend running as a non admin, annoying in someways, but protects you in so many ways.
I hear what you are saying but....

I have had endless trouble with PCs ranging from virus after virus, bug after bug, crash after crash, hell I've even had our bank account emptied through our PC online banking and I've had enough, I've spent ££££'s on anti virus software over the last few years and a whole lot more on getting the dam thing fixed/replaced and to be fair...I'm done with a PC

You can still get viruses and hacked on a Mac as well. Don't buy into the notion that they are virus free. They are less likely to get one but not virus proof.
Yes. The biggest exploits now are not viruses, but browser/mail exploits. They happen on ALL systems as they rely on the user pressing things and entering details when they shouldn't.....
Yes. The biggest exploits now are not viruses, but browser/mail exploits. They happen on ALL systems as they rely on the user pressing things and entering details when they shouldn't.....
Dear God.. What is going on around here when it's not me responding first to a Mac post...

I must be getting slow in my old age ;) :D
Probably battling to stop all those PCs from crashing ;)
I have a new model 27 iMac which trundles along quite nicely on 24Gb RAM

Its a great machine that does what I want it to do. :D
Some very different views here and thanks for the advice peeps
OSX is brilliant - for me it just works.

My laptop is getting on, its over 4 years old and the 320gb HD has often just 10GB free, yet it never crashes, and only every so often will a program freeze.

If you like fiddling then its not for you, if you like to turn on and do what you want and not fiddle its great.
I've just got my 27" iMac and love it. But then I knew I would do anyway after using my MBP for the last 2 and half years.

I actually really like OSX, so much now I don't like jumping on to a Windows machine to do something. :)
I use both Windows and OSX and. Have had little problem with either. :)
I would definitely echo what others have said though and recommend that you go to an Apple store and try the system out before you buy. They are quite different, many people manage fine making the switch, but some don't.
If you do go ahead and buy then get your RAM upgrade from Crucial or similar as it'll be a lot cheaper.
Also as already said Mac's are not immune to viruses and the like so if you've been getting so many on your Windows system you need to have a think about why that is. Someone that's using the system is obviously doing things they shouldn't be like opening unknown links or emails so that behaviour needs to change.
I use both Windows and OSX and. Have had little problem with either. :)
I would definitely echo what others have said though and recommend that you go to an Apple store and try the system out before you buy. They are quite different, many people manage fine making the switch, but some don't.
If you do go ahead and buy then get your RAM upgrade from Crucial or similar as it'll be a lot cheaper.
Also as already said Mac's are not immune to viruses and the like so if you've been getting so many on your Windows system you need to have a think about why that is. Someone that's using the system is obviously doing things they shouldn't be like opening unknown links or emails so that behaviour needs to change.

Very true, I blame my 8 year old daughter :)

I've had an iMac for nearly 3 1/2 years. I turn it on It works. What more could I want. OK I had a Dell 4 up to 4 years ago, running XP Pro. Nice system. Turned it on it worked.

Would I go back probably to a PC probably not. No reason too. The Mac does all I want, If it didn't I'd consider a PC but as they say "ain't broke don't fix it".

If you like the iOS interface, you can use Launchpad to run your programs. It looks very similar to iOS. If you prefer the traditional dock, well you have that as a choice as well.

As I always say to people considering a Mac. Visit an Apple store or authorised reseller and check out whats available. Leave credit card at home though ;)
essentially it boils down to what OS you like the feel of.

I like the feel of OSX. I still buy build PCs though. I can modify Windows to emulate the bits of OSX I like. I can't modify OSX to emulate the bits of Windows I like.

Even if I couldn't... I'd still build a PC, and use it as a Hackintosh. I refuse to pay more, for out dated hardware from Apple.
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Yes, it's worth it, but don't order your RAM from apple.

Get the base 8Gb from apple and order another 8Gb from Crucial (2 x 4Gb).
You could also order 16Gb (2 x 8Gb) which would give you a total of 24Gb without replacing the 8 you already have.

If I'm not mistaken the 16Gb option ( 24 total) will cost you around £100

I have just received my new 27" iMac (GOD it's HUGE!!) and was looking to upgrade the RAM. Thanks for the advice as I have found what I was looking for and have ordered 16GB of RAM from Crutial.

Incidentally, is it best to just leave the old RAM where it is and add the new RAM into the empty slots?

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I have just received my new 27" iMac (GOD it's HUGE!!) and was looking to upgrade the RAM. Thanks for the advice as I have found what I was looking for and have ordered 16GB of RAM from Crutial.

Incidentally, is it best to just leave the old RAM where it is and add the new RAM into the empty slots?


Yes, if you machine has 8Gb then it has 2 x 4Gb chips installed. You gave 2 slots free so install the 2 x 8gb into those and you will have 24 Gb in total.
Yes, if you machine has 8Gb then it has 2 x 4Gb chips installed. You gave 2 slots free so install the 2 x 8gb into those and you will have 24 Gb in total.

Brill thanks (y)
I use Mac at work and Windows at home and now realise it boils down to how intelligent you are.
you are one of those folk who like clicking the "you've won an ipad button" or pop up you are going to be scammed whatever Operating system you use, if you continually click all the "hey sexy" "naked celebrity photo" type emails your ID will be stolen sooner or later even on a Mac.

Getting viruses/malware is not It is not about the computer it is about how intelligent the computer use is.