New member - hi everyone

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Hi everyone,
Just a quick intro. I devided this year to start pursuing new activities - was very aware of the fact my daily routine was wake up, work, eat, tv, sleep, repeat. Started with painting and charcoal sketching and now picking up photography.

I have a Canon EOS 700D, with a standard kit len 18-55mm (but have purchased a couple of others). I have a friend who is an amazing photographer who has been showing me how to get started, he let me borrow a couple of books, and I've been devouring Youtube videos. Heading up to Reeth this weekend to have a go. I expect to do around a million things wrong but I just wanna have a play about with the settings and the exposure triangle, light, composition etc. Likely post-processing in Lightroom. Or maybe Affinity, unsure which is better but Affinity is cheaper overall and on sale lol
Hi Daniel, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing some of your images on the various forums. "Enjoy"
Thank you :) The first few shots will be hilariously bad but I'm looking forward to improving
Hi Daniel. If you're going up to Reeth, don't know if you know the area but it's just the right time for the wild-flower meadows at Gunnerside and Muker, just up the dale.
Thank you for that. I have never been before but I'm going with someone who regularly goes so will definitely look out for it! The weather is going to be appalling so anything I take will likely look very moody
Welcome to TP and we're looking forward to seeing your photos, the best way to learn is to post some images for feedback.

Affinity Photo is more like Photoshop than Lightroom, that said it's a good product and great value and would be a good place to start with post-processing your images. There are quite a few threads on here about Affinity/Lightroom/Photoshop so have a quick search for those.
Welcome to the forum Daniel, enjoy yourself here (y)
Welcome to TP and we're looking forward to seeing your photos, the best way to learn is to post some images for feedback.

Affinity Photo is more like Photoshop than Lightroom, that said it's a good product and great value and would be a good place to start with post-processing your images. There are quite a few threads on here about Affinity/Lightroom/Photoshop so have a quick search for those.

Cheers, I think I'll go with lightroom. Friend uses it and has let me borrow a handy user guide
Welcome to the madhouse, I suggest you leave your sanity at the door :)
I wish I had had a good friend into photography when I first started, it would have saved me a lot of money wasted on mediocre lenses.
I look forward to seeing some of your photos.
Welcome to the madhouse, I suggest you leave your sanity at the door :)
I wish I had had a good friend into photography when I first started, it would have saved me a lot of money wasted on mediocre lenses.
I look forward to seeing some of your photos.

Bold of you to assume I had sanity to begin with haha

Yeah he's given me some really awesome advice, definitely making it a lot easier!
Welcome to the forum @Daniel84 - my advice get out with a camera and have a play around - see what you get :)
