New Member: Hi, Needing website feedback

Few comments hopefully useful for you... :)

- Overall I liked the simple design, clean uncluttered colours etc. And the page looked professional.

- The webpage initially loaded quite slowly for me. Not terribly, but that always puts me off a bit when visiting websites. The rest of the site seemed okay though once I was in.

- On the portfolio page the natural thing I found to click on was the titles - e.g. landscapes etc, but actually although the pictures were links, the titles weren't clickable.

- On the contacts page if you want to email you I can't cut and paste your email address (I assume because it is flash or something unselectable) and there is no link I can click on.

- Format is nice, fits on my screen resolution nicely (1024 x 768) although some of the text does appear quite small.
I like the layout design of the site....

I noticed that once you click on Portfolio and select and item (landscape etc) at the bottom there is a typo - Commercial is spelt comercial.


Too much on the skies in the portrait section when you've done the nazi protest