new member



I have been hearing about this great forum from a photographic friend and am now pleased to be a member so HELLO everyone.

I have a Nikon D300 and am wrestling with it and trying to come to grips with its intricacies. I would appreciate any comments any of you may have, particularly in relation to a Nikon 70-200 lens I would like to buy ( if it wasn't for the price!!) I already have a Nikon 70-300 VR model but it appears the 200 model is an altogether a more desirable piece of kit.

Looking forward to participating
Welcome TP :)
Ask your question about the lens in the Talk Equipment forum, there will be plenty of knowledgable and friendly people ready to give you advice.
Hi there Mervyn. :)
Hello! :wave:

Welcome to TP :D

I don't know about the 70 - 200 lens i'm afraid, sorry, I only got the 70-300 VR this year and I love it so not upgrading for a while. there are plenty of Nikon guys on here that will help you with that one though I'm sure! (y)