New Pentax K5 revealed

On those unofficial specs, it look like a tidy offering. The fact Pentax always push weather sealing must, at some point, start to sway more punters. Sony sensor eh? Figures stack up right for the market - wonder if that's the sensor from those new pellicle mirror Alphas....
i will try one when there out may replace one of my d300s.

$1699 US Body Only
• $1999 AU Body Only

• Magnesium body with plastic and rubber exterior, 80 weather seals.
• Tempered glass top and rear LCD
• 16.2mp Sony EXEMOR Sensor • 23.6 x 15.8 mm CMOS sensor

• Dimensions 131 x 97 x 73mm
• Weight 770g

• Complete new AF system superior algorithms.
• 18-point wide autofocus system (SAFOX IX+)
• AF-Single
• AF-Continuous
• 4 Custom AF-C modes, auto, action, portrait, night
• Manual focus

• ISO standard : 200-12800
• Expanded ISO : 50 - 25,600

Movie mode • AVi (Motion JPEG)
• 1920 x 1080 25p, 30p
• 1280x720 25p, 30p
• 640 x 480, 25p, 30p
• Av, Sv, Tv and M modes for video.
• External stereo mic jack.
• Movie processing including Custom Image, Cross Process and selected Digital Filters


• penta-prism

• Hybrid VF utilizing translucent LCD to display focus points and framing grid.

• Angle of view coverage: 28mm wide-angle (35mm equivalent)
• Flash Exposure Compensation: -2 EV - +1EV (1/2EV steps)
• P-TTL (Is same P-ttl as in 645D)
• Hot shoe, sync-speed: 1/180 sec. (will have 1/250 available with new flashes to be released First half 2011)
• Wireless-sync with PENTAX dedicated flash and IrSimple.

Continuous shooting • Hi speed: 8fps

Connectivity • USB/Video
• USB 2.0


• Dual SD or SDHC card
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So Pentax bring out another DSLR to compete with Canon and Nikon but once again they do it about a year after Canon and Nikon.
I'm not sure that kind of marketing strategy will work.
There is no point in it being good enough to compete..It has to be better and cheaper.

Correct me if i am wrong but is this not the camera that basically will make the older lenses defunct?
So Pentax bring out another DSLR to compete with Canon and Nikon but once again they do it about a year after Canon and Nikon.
I'm not sure that kind of marketing strategy will work.
There is no point in it being good enough to compete..It has to be better and cheaper.

Correct me if i am wrong but is this not the camera that basically will make the older lenses defunct?

how long did it take canon to make a camera nearly as good as the d300 i think they have only just done it with the 7d, and how old is he d300.
how long did it take canon to make a camera nearly as good as the d300 i think they have only just done it with the 7d, and how old is he d300.

ermm..thats kinda the point i made Scott.
You just read something and think "OMG!! Slagging off Pentax, Must retaliate"

D300 = Benchmark, 7D catches up and in some respects overtakes...Pentax brings up the rear with a camera not any better than either.

And it seems the sensor is out a Mid Range Sony one.
Not exactly a pace setter.
I had two Pentax DSLR's and both were excellent, in body stabilisation and weather proofing too.

Then for some reason the prices of their lenses especially the * range increased out of all proportion to everything else. Had to sell up anyway for other reasons (new roof) but when I bought again the crazy Lens prices ruled me out along with the limited selection as well

All well and good bringing out new cameras, but could do with some affordable mid range lenses to put on them. Just cannot afford something like the Pentax DA 12-24 f/4 with a rrp of a pound short of £1300 and even discounted it is about 800 quid
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Teen again, if they can get this in at a rice that trumps the existing competition, that will probably make it appeal to buyers. But Mr Camera Dealer has to want to sell it in the first place....
ermm..thats kinda the point i made Scott.
You just read something and think "OMG!! Slagging off Pentax, Must retaliate"

D300 = Benchmark, 7D catches up and in some respects overtakes...Pentax brings up the rear with a camera not any better than either.

And it seems the sensor is out a Mid Range Sony one.
Not exactly a pace setter.

what ever you think craig, as for the 7d overtaking the d300/s well i dont think so. as for the sensor in the k5, nikon use mostly sony sensors,
also the sensor in the kx is sony and the iso noise is no worse than your 5d at iso 1600,(y)
and pentax are still going so they must be doing something right, i know i will probably buy one.
Correct me if i am wrong but is this not the camera that basically will make the older lenses defunct?

Where've you heard that? Sure you're not raking up Canon's history? :LOL:
Where've you heard that? Sure you're not raking up Canon's history? :LOL:

No, sure i read it a few weeks ago that the mount may have a couple of minor changes that would affect the older lenses.
Anything prior to the DA if that makes sense.
It was the DA part that stuck in my mind.
probably the same place he heard sigma were gonna stop making lenses for pentax, and guess what thats not true

Stop being a d&*k, we all here stuff we post on here. Most of us dont keep pulling it out our arse though at every turn like you. :wacky:

I made an argument earlier that Pentax's latest offering was no better than what has already been on the market for over a year and because it was accurate you spit the dummy again.

Either justify that's its better or shut the hell up m8.
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Stop being a d&*k, we all here stuff we post on here. Most of us dont keep pulling it out our arse though at every turn like you. :wacky:

I made an argument earlier that Pentax's latest offering was no better than what has already been on the market for over a year and because it was accurate you spit the dummy again.

Either justify that's its better or shut the hell up m8.

Oh dear .. seems little Craig is getting a bit upset :LOL: :dummy:
Oh dear .. seems little Craig is getting a bit upset :LOL:

Not at all, its the 2nd time in as many weeks where he has bettered on about Pentax being this that and the bloody next thing but comes up with no proof whatsoever in any respect to back anything up.

Its like "I said Pentax are great so they are, even though i use Nikon". :wacky:

It's only a matter of time before he buys a Nikon D700 and rebadges it as a Pentax K5, actually i wouldn't rule that out. :LOL:
Stop being a dick, we all here stuff we post on here. Most of us dont keep pulling it out our arse though at every turn like you. :wacky:
sticks and stones craig, as for ( keep pulling it out our arse though at every turn like you) please show me were,
a have no problems with no one, i just dont agree with people slagging sytems off they know nothing about and more than likely have never used.
pentax are not perfect by all means the af is still slow compared to nikon and canon in some respect but it is very accurate, but all the pentax dslr are all well made, put the d90 up against the k7 or kx up against the d5000, and the pentax will win image quality from the k7 is no different from the d300 in raw and noise is the same,
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Not at all, its the 2nd time in as many weeks where he has bettered on about Pentax being this that and the bloody next thing but comes up with no proof whatsoever in any respect to back anything up.

Its like "I said Pentax are great so they are, even though i use Nikon". :wacky:

It's only a matter of time before he buys a Nikon D700 and rebadges it as a Pentax K5, actually i wouldn't rule that out. :LOL:

Craig, I have 2 Pentax cameras and there is a good chance I will buy the K-5 if its up to scratch.

What I don't do every time someone mentions Canon (for instance) is jump onto the thread and try and run them into the ground.

It seems a bit sad to me. :shake:
what ever you think craig, as for the 7d overtaking the d300/s well i dont think so. as for the sensor in the k5, nikon use mostly sony sensors,
also the sensor in the kx is sony and the iso noise is no worse than your 5d at iso 1600,(y)
and pentax are still going so they must be doing something right, i know i will probably buy one.

Um, the 5D is far less noisy than a crop sensor Pentax due to the sheer size of the sensor. See here:

Anyway, that aside, the new Pentaxes (is that the plural? :D) are getting rave reviews from those buying them, so that must say a thing or two :)

We are extremely lucky at the moment with great, and very different, cameras coming out from many manufacturers. Nikon and Canon are still producing some great pro cameras, Pentax have wowed with their weather sealed bodies, in body stabilisation and the new medium format (sort of!) offering, Sony are trying loads of new stuff and also have in body IS and full frame options, and then there's Olympus and Panasonic with the EVILs.

It's looking really good for photographers at the moment, so any name calling / serious arguing a little bit unnecessary IMO.
Stop being a d&*k, we all here stuff we post on here. Most of us dont keep pulling it out our arse though at every turn like you. :wacky:

I made an argument earlier that Pentax's latest offering was no better than what has already been on the market for over a year and because it was accurate you spit the dummy again.

Either justify that's its better or shut the hell up m8.

We've been here before Craig, haven't we. Rein it in or we'll be following the same route again.
We've been here before Craig, haven't we. Rein it in or we'll be following the same route again.

It's all good clean banterous fun m8. :LOL:

There really is no malice intended an i really don't think Scott is taking it that way. Or at least i hope he isn't.
We had to stop our last one as everyone else was jumping on the bandwagon and making it too serious. :LOL:

Truth be told i actually do like Pentax but it ****es me off that they just seem to follow rather than doing anything groundbreaking.

For the record i still think the older 50mm f1.4 af is the best 50mm f1.4 out there and the 16-45mm f4 was silly sharp for the money.
Err this camera surpasses both the 7D and D300 with that ISO range.

I would like to see some raw's @ISO 50 as ISO 80 on the G11 was fantastic, ISO 50 could be very clean, especially if its the native resolution.

Re slagging off.. unless you have actually owned and regularly used a camera I don't see you as being able to throw light on any short comings you think it may have.
A few shots with one outside a shop or a quick few shots of a mates isn't experience with a camera either.
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Err this camera surpasses both the 7D and D300 with that ISO range.

I would like to see some raw's @ISO 50 as ISO 80 on the G11 was fantastic, ISO 50 could be very clean, especially if its the native resolution.

Re slagging off.. unless you have actually owned and regularly used a camera I don't see you as being able to throw light on any short comings you think it may have.
A few shots with one outside a shop or a quick few shots of a mates isn't experience with a camera either.

Base ISO will be 200 - expandable to 50.

As for slagging off, i have had a Pentax *ist, K10D and K20D but i just got disillusioned with Pentax in my eyes always bringing up the rear.
I had hoped that with Samsungs backing and R & D then Pentax might have become a Tech leader even though it would never be a Market leader but it did not come to pass.

I would also like to point out that when the Canon 50D was released and we all saw the initial ISO problems over 640 i thought Canon should have recalled them all and burned them in a big fire out in the garden. :LOL:
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Shame that low end isn't native, that would have tempted me.

I've had a couple of pentax and samsung DSLR's in all honesty they where fine and better built than my canon, I only changed due to weight being a critical issue for me, weather sealing wise they are only beaten by the top pro camera's, I've seen one dropped in a puddle, wiped off and working!!
Shame that low end isn't native, that would have tempted me.

I've had a couple of pentax and samsung DSLR's in all honesty they where fine and better built than my canon, I only changed due to weight being a critical issue for me, weather sealing wise they are only beaten by the top pro camera's, I've seen one dropped in a puddle, wiped off and working!!

I don't think the 50 ISO will be achieved personally. I can't see it going below 100 in all honesty.
I think this particular DSLR would have been better served dropping video and really making a major effort to become a class leader in High ISO noise.
I am not sure how much money adding HD Video on to a DSLR costs but i assume it wouldn't be cheap and i think most photographers would rather see the gimmicky crap cut out now and a real focus being put on larger sensors (not pixels though), noiseless High Iso (its getting there) and bringing the cost down a bit in light of the global economic problems.
I am not sure how much money adding HD Video on to a DSLR costs but i assume it wouldn't be cheap and i think most photographers would rather see the gimmicky crap cut out now and a real focus being put on larger sensors (not pixels though), noiseless High Iso (its getting there) and bringing the cost down a bit in light of the global economic problems.

Video is here to stay. I would say it probably adds very little to the price of a camera these days, can't say if it actually affects the stills quality or not though. I would have thought all future Canon/Nikon cameras will have it and can just imagine prospective purchasers being told by others .. don't buy a Pentax, it doesn't even have VIDEO :LOL:
Video is here to stay. I would say it probably adds very little to the price of a camera these days, can't say if it actually affects the stills quality or not though. I would have thought all future Canon/Nikon cameras will have it and can just imagine prospective purchasers being told by others .. don't buy a Pentax, it doesn't even have VIDEO :LOL:

I would agree totally Mike but i would love a manufacturer to just make something that really focussed on Stills Photography as after all thats what we love most.

I can't help thinking that the R and D on these Gimmicks has harmed DSLR's.
Also shows the necessity of an external mic with a "dead cat" windshield, for outdoors stuff.

Craig: There's a knock-on value to stills photography from video: reduction in noise due to sensor and camera design.
I did actually try the video on my K-7 for the first time a few weeks ago when the Vulcan landed at our local airport. I don't think it was a good idea trying to video a moving plane with a Bigma hand held :LOL:

Doubt I will bother again.

Best video I've seen of blue sky and greenish grass in a long time, only downside was some grey lumpy thing and building's? ruining it, lol.

Seriously I have the 170-500 and never used it apart from yesterday on a tripod for test shots for someone, I cant even lift the damn thing with my problems,let alone hand hold it!
Reading this thread I thought I'd logged on to DP Review by mistake... people writing off cameras they haven't even tried yet, being insulting and abusive... Yup, I must be on DP Review. :LOL: