New SD memory card - protocol (?)

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I've a new Lexar 32gb SD card just arrived, do I need to put in camera and format it? Do I insert it into a card reader via laptop and also format it, or simply put into camera and shoot away without doing anything ?

Any advice appreciated.
I would put it in the camera you are going to use it in and format it and then use it. In my experience it's much better to format in camera than via computer. Once you have finished shooting and are ready to download then stick it into your computer via a card reader - copy and paste - then back into the camera and re format before shooting again.

hope that helps!
I always format a new card in the camera, and then only ever format cards in the camera.

Personal preference maybe, but it guaranteed the file system on the card is exactly what your camera wants it to be. Your computer/card reader will be able to read whatever your camera formats
Yep, format in camera and go :)
I tend to format in camera unless something special is needed. The two different standards SDXC and SDHC use a slightly different format (vFAT and FAT32 IIRC). I have a Canon 1DSmk2 and need to make sure they are formatted as FAT32 to recognise the cards.

However pop into camera take a couple of pics, delete some and see if its happy would also be a suggestion I would make.
Appreciate the replies,thanks!

One last query please, I'll be shooting motor sports within next month (cars + bikes), apart from card size/speeds etc, is it best to shoot to CF or SD?
Which one is possibly quicker (buffer wise) if using for example same size/speed CF + SD cards ?

The rating is on the card, but CF cards still have the speed edge
Indeed most of the canon cameras I've looked at, the SD card controller only writes at 40mb... No idea of other manufacturers though.
In my experience it's much better to format in camera than via computer.

I've never noticed and difference between formatting card in camera and formatting card in computer. What differences are you guys seeing?
Appreciate the replies,thanks!

One last query please, I'll be shooting motor sports within next month (cars + bikes), apart from card size/speeds etc, is it best to shoot to CF or SD?
Which one is possibly quicker (buffer wise) if using for example same size/speed CF + SD cards ?


Pete you shooting with your 810? Like people have said the CF has the edge speed wise but I always use the SD card as my main card purely because it will fit straight into my laptop when I download the pictures. I have never found the buffer and write speed to be a problem when shooting bikes but saying that I do shoot jpegs at motorsport events.
I've never noticed and difference between formatting card in camera and formatting card in computer. What differences are you guys seeing?

My understanding is that formatting in camera sets up the file directories for the camera. Doing it on the computer sets up file directories for the computer and not the camera. I have always done it this way and never had an issue.
I sometimes format in camera and sometimes in computer and it makes absolutely no difference with the one caveat that the card needs to be formated with Microsoft's FAT file system - might be a problem if formatting on an Apple machine.
I sometimes format in camera and sometimes in computer and it makes absolutely no difference with the one caveat that the card needs to be formated with Microsoft's FAT file system - might be a problem if formatting on an Apple machine.
Most of the time it makes no difference. But if you look back through the forum over a period of years you'll find that anecdotally file read/write errors resulting in image loss are more frequently associated with formatting memory cards using a computer instead of the camera.

It is always recommended to only format using the taking camera.
I always format and re-format in the camera. I can see no reason to prefer formatting in a computer.
As above, format in the camera you are going to use it in. If you swap cameras, re-format in that camera before using it.
If the memory card is already in the camera I will format in camera. After copying images from a card to computer using a card reader I will format the card using the computer. I have yet to find one method better than the other.

My understanding is that formatting in camera sets up the file directories for the camera
Formatting is not about setup directories. The required directories are created by the camera after the card had been formatted, whether that is in camera or by computer.