New to bird pictures

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After seeing some of the pictures of birds on this site i thought i should try to improve on what i have done in the past, think im learning just not sure, these are some pictures i took of a today. would appreciate any feedback


Taken on a 350d with a 100-400l
Great sharp, detailed shots. The only thing is No 1 is a bit dark as is the eye in No 2. Apart from that, excellent imo(y)
very very good,
slightly dark as BRASH mentioned
but not arf bad!!!!! (y)
The 2nd one is splendid! (y)
cracking detail in the 2nd and it looks like you had some strong light in the position.
some fill flash might have helped?
cheers jason
First i like them both, your first puts the robin in its natural surroundings, both are sharp and you have some great feather definition captured in the second.
As jason has said a touch of FF would have helped, but i would have been very happy to have taken these.

regards brian.
Not much to add really - excellent definition - the 100-400L is a cracking lens covering a good range.
I know it sounds picky but, dont know if the little halo I can see is a dust bunny or not,
(in the background on the left, opposite the breast of #2).
But I find it draws my eye a bit, which is a shame because that really is a gorgeous shot! (y)
Thanks for the replies everyone, the bird wasnt that far away from me at one point is was less than a metre away, it kept coming back to the same place so was easy to photograph, ill go back and make the first picture lighter and get rid of the slight halo in the 2nd picture, thanks again for the advice. :)
#2 exellent (y)
Nice set :clap: number 2 as said above has some really nice detail (y)
Those are very good shots under difficult lighting conditions. I find contrasty light like that just about the worst conditions, I'd far rather have bright but overcast conditions any day. Well done! (y)