New Years Resolutions??

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Do you make them? Do you keep to them? Have you made any this year?

The only one I've ever managed to keep to was to recycle and be more environmentally friendly :innocent:

This year, I have resolved to make an effort to get out more with my camera and to try and master (well, ok - to understand) Photoshop CS... as well as the usual diet/exercise thing which usually lasts for all of about a week :embarasse
:embarasse OOps..posted in wrong section... moderators where are you???? :doh:
Mine are:

Pack in smoking
Drink less
Be a great dad to my baby girl due end of Feb
Get off my butt and get shooting bands
Further my Photoshop skills and share them in the form of video tutorials (first one coming this space!)
Buy a house and get off this mini Beirut rented estate
get out more, eat less, speak my mind more(can be quite fun, lol)

thats not too much of a tall order i dont think
Bachs said:
Mine are:

Pack in smoking
Drink less
Be a great dad to my baby girl due end of Feb
Get off my butt and get shooting bands
Further my Photoshop skills and share them in the form of video tutorials (first one coming this space!)
Buy a house and get off this mini Beirut rented estate

lol Mini Beirut, you wanna see it down here, even the dogs walk about with body armour on, the cats are tooled to the hilt, and kids learn to drive when they are six, usually in someone elses car though. Even the poor wee winter robin only does a flyby incase his legs are stolen on landing.:D
Eat less, exercise more.
This time I have to - as a singly again, I'm back on the market and no-one wants a FB...
Speak my mind more, be the best dad I can be, lose weight and stay off the nicotine...
I have made only one, and that is to actually get of my backside and do things rather than just sitting dreaming about it. After all - winners make it happen, losers let it happen, right?
GfK said:
I have made only one, and that is to actually get of my backside and do things rather than just sitting dreaming about it. After all - winners make it happen, losers let it happen, right?

tis true!:thumb:
Only the obvious, get out and take some decent photos! ;)
Make my photography pay
Learn German
Improve my Skiing
At least double the membership here with everyone's help. :)
Pah, none of that snowboarding rubbish for me...I need two planks to do my stuff ;)
Steve said:
Pah, none of that snowboarding rubbish for me...I need two planks to do my stuff ;)
For me, as far as skiing is concerned, the only 'plank' involved is the one standing on the skis. :D
I dont make them
They are pointless
If i want to do something I do it because i want to, at the time i want to, not just cos they are new years resolutions.
AquilaEagle said:
I dont make them
They are pointless
If i want to do something I do it because i want to, at the time i want to, not just cos they are new years resolutions.

S'pose you do bah humbug at Christmas too ?:stir::laugh1:

When I bought my first dSLR (November last) I resolved to take digital seriously - I have a barrow load to learn and many miles to go before I start taking stuff I will be proud to post. New Year's passing just strengthens my resolve !:smilenod:

Mostly the rest of it is just a bit of good clean traditional annual frolicking fun - or a first class reason to give up the resolutions in order to have some ... :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:
Sell my first photo
Try and take a photo a day
Stress less :banghead:

Nah Venom, i love Christmas :) its fun, presents and lots of food! :D
Hmmmmmmmmmm what do I want to do this year :whistle2:

I suppose i'd have to say

Earn more
work less
drive faster

what that probably means though, is work longer for less cash and spend less time in the car. :(

Seriously, I'm about to book a short course with a pro snapper to help me improve my skills, if I can look back at 2006 and see an improvement in the images I've captured, i'll have fulfilled my resolution.

Did you take any pictures in 2005 to be able to compare? :whistle2:
Photograph more, read more, live more :)
Steve said:
Did you take any pictures in 2005 to be able to compare? :whistle2:

Now thats the kicker init :p

If I have nothing to comapre against, I can only win :D
Steve said:
Did you take any pictures in 2005 to be able to compare? :whistle2:


1 - 0 to Steve!:D
Steve said:
Did you take any pictures in 2005 to be able to compare? :whistle2:


Gotta hand you that one.
hmmmmmm, new years resolutions.....

Smoke more,

Drink more,

eat more chocolate,

Be more careful about which beer can I drink from,

Take more photos,

Stop molesting Badgers!

Think that about covers it!