Newbie to lightbox/tents how would I get an image like this?

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Hi guys. I've been asked to shoot some mugs with a lightbox. I've never done product shots or used a lightbox or anything like this before.

I have two spotlights and a flashgun and a lightbox/tent thing.

The person I'm shooting for, wants shots like this, with the slight shadow to the right, excuse the horribly pixelated image:


How would you light this, what settings would you use, would you use a flashgun as well.

Any help would be greatly received
I don't particularly like the lighting but if that's what you wanted to achieve you could construct yourself a mini studio from a cardboard box. Remove one side completely and attach a piece of white A3 card to the back and floor to create a sweep. Cut out the sides and top leaving a frame and tape thick tracing paper over them. Use a flash gun off camera, either wired or via a trigger, firing through the tracing paper side from slightly behind and slightly above the mug.

Then fine tune by adding black or white card or craft foam to either bounce more light back in or suppress reflected light from the front, far side and top.

I made myself a similar setup with velcro so I could replace the white card with black and remove the tracing paper from the top and sides. Then I realised how limiting such a setup actually was and rarely use it any more, but it can produce results a lot like this.

Your current lightbox may do the job as it stands.