Newborn shoot - 10 days old

Lovely shots again Lauren, I absolutely adore no 3, that's brilliant!
Have you ever used netmums Lauren? click on local boards then noticeboard and find the belfast one. They will let you post a notice advertising yourself once a month. You will need to register an account.

H x
Have you ever used netmums Lauren? click on local boards then noticeboard and find the belfast one. They will let you post a notice advertising yourself once a month. You will need to register an account.

H x

I haven't used it yet, but I'll definitely check it out, thanks. Do you get much business through it?
I haven't used it yet, but I'll definitely check it out, thanks. Do you get much business through it?
I have got a few bits and pieces, definitely worth a try though seeing as it's free. I did get LOADS of takers when I was portfolio building and doing free sessions, and quite a few of those ended up turning into paying clients.

H x