Newcastle Meet - Sunday 11th April

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I'll start the ball off. Hope no-one minds.

Had a smashing couple of hours. Nice to meet people, even though I do have a tendency to wander off - sorry.

Thanks for sorting Natalie(y)

Looking Down

Looking Up

Looking at

Ah, looking up again

but we were blessed with a beautiful sky this afternoon.
anyone stay long enough for the sunset, I wasnt there headed south to hartlepool and smog land, but just seen this outside after we got in, no time to get tripod out or anythin, stood on a wall leaning on a flimsy lampost. gutted!!

Will be there for next meet, Promise!
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Heres one i've just thrown together quickly. hence the reason it seems to have bled from the border. Will get a few more up in the next couple of days.

Hi and thanks for letting me join you for a short time today. :)
I do have another of the doughnut challenge and also the greggs run but I was saving them in case I needed to blackmail.

Karen, nice to meet you. Sorry I disappeared before you had to get your train.

And it was a fab sunset further north too, I could just see it above the opposite houses.
I do have another of the doughnut challenge and also the greggs run but I was saving them in case I needed to blackmail.

Karen, nice to meet you. Sorry I disappeared before you had to get your train.

And it was a fab sunset further north too, I could just see it above the opposite houses.

hey , now thats not fair , i hear my evil twin was out makin trouble and eating donuts and such ? LOL
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I saw the beautiful sunset as i travelled home on train.
Okay time to add mine don't laugh

Read it twice wondering what the hell it meant until I realised I was reading it the wrong way around..

Got one of them


Another person looking up


Can't do the quayside without doing at least one bridge


It was great to meet you all hope to see you at the next one.
anyone stay long enough for the sunset, I wasnt there headed south to hartlepool and smog land, but just seen this outside after we got in, no time to get tripod out or anythin, stood on a wall leaning on a flimsy lampost. gutted!!

Will be there for next meet, Promise!

Madmackem, that is a view I know very well. I walk past there every Sunday on the way to my folks for Sunday lunch in Fellgate. Nice capture of the sunset. Shame I was too wasted to notice it yesterday :LOL:
Madmackem, that is a view I know very well. I walk past there every Sunday on the way to my folks for Sunday lunch in Fellgate. Nice capture of the sunset. Shame I was too wasted to notice it yesterday :LOL:

Aye pity theres no stop over at the Deneside!
Cant Believe theres someone on here this close, I probably scared a few pensioners standing on the garden wall lol
There's another meet scheduled for the 2nd of May (y)

Anyway, a few pics and snapshots from yours truly.


About half of the gang. Actually snipped off a different shot but I do feel kind stalker like posting this lol.

The busker

A boat


Market Stall

and Byker

Dunno how to get the grubby marks off from the glass, using photoshop though. Some people couldn't/weren't mad enough to throw their cameras over the 7' glass :LOL:
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The Wall looks good in Red'N'White lol!
Looks like you all had a good time, that woman selling eczema treatment is extortionate - one little tub for tenner