Nice Otter Encounter

John Moncrieff
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I set off out to photograph Puffins and Razorbills, but I spotted this Otter fishing not far from the house. Followed it for around 90 mins before the heavens opened.


Shetland Otter 2012 by Crieffy., on Flickr

2/ Wish I could have got the Fulmars fully in frame for this one. By the time I'd spotted the shot the Otter had moved

Shetland Otter 2012 by Crieffy., on Flickr


Shetland Otter 2012 by Crieffy., on Flickr


Shetland Otter 2012 by Crieffy., on Flickr


Shetland Otter 2012 by Crieffy., on Flickr

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Lovely photo-opportunities up there ... at least it rains so there is some justice :D
Superb bud.............(y)
Number 4 is a great shot. coming out of the water with food. Love 3 too... must be hard work being an otter lol
Love the shots

I really like the last three, really interesting and the detail is great.
absolutley cracking set, No4 is the money shot for me :clap:

Thanks for sharing

Les ;)
Fabulous pictures again. We spotted an otter last month on South Uist but, nowhere near as close/clear as these pics. Very jealous!
Lovely pictures and so, so jealous that you have those creatures and scenery like that around your house. I've just got chavs around mine... sniff :shake:
like these, especially #1 (y)
Just fantastic images, only wish we had these beautiful creatures down here.

You should do Paul? According to the latest report I read the only county now lacking otters completely is Kent but they may have even changed by now.
Lovely stuff John

We will be in the cottage on Loch Sunart for October so will be able to renew aquaintance with the otters then.
Stunning shots, one day I'll see them in the wild (I hope)
Great set, must have been a wonderful experience watching it in the wild.