Nicknames for work colleagues etc

off the top of my head

2 sheds ...a lad i know ...his name was des and he was proud of the fact he had ...2 sheds lol
chainsaw ...lads name is ian ..but he chops down trees :)
swampy .....alan and his questionable hygiene
dolly (as in dolly dimple ) ...another alan
fairy ..coz his surname is fair

me .. im just c**t ;)

edit .... forgot about mingin pete
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A long time ago, I used to christen my colleagues..

Mogadon Man - conversations were boring
Charisma Bypass - thought he was the be all and end all, highly irritating and completely lacking mojo
Winky winky - rather distracting blinking during convesations

I was and always be you miserable b@s***d
Not working, but clay pigeon shooting, diverse bunch of guys from different backgrounds..
Stepladder Dave, he's a bit on the tall side
Pair away, because that's his usual score
Pit Bull, one of the nicest guys you could meet but he looks like a thug
Rubber Duck, a lorry driver
Dunno, from his usual muttering of "Dunno what happened there"
Mud plugger, because of his very heavy modded Landie
Steve the Sheep, no idea why
The team I used to work with all had nicknames, some more inventive than others.

Nibs..... the lads found a note in his lunchbox from his wife that started "To my dearest nibbly wibbly......"
BBF.... short for Bloody Bum F***.... something to do with him having piles I believe
MH.... Short for Monkey Head (fairly self explanatory)
Boom Tish..... was playing charades and was trying to convey a song but started going "boom-tish... boom-tish"
Daisy... surname is "Day"
Fiery.... bit of a temper
Knuckles..... legend has it there was an incident with the suction tube on an old printer (might need to use a little imagination)
Spunky Spencer...... fathered 3 boys

I got the honour of being called "Des" short for Desmond Tutu as I was nearly 22 before I, shall we say "became a man".

More recently, some apprentices joined our ranks, one of the guys is of Turkish origin and has long dark hair, he had an op for an ingrowing toe nail and wore sandals to work so he now gets called JC (Jesus Christ). I could see he was getting a little uncomfortable about it so I reassured him that he should feel honoured to be given a nickname as it means they like him and the worst thing he could do is fight it ;)
oh we had a few.........

Mostly not to their face.....

Wingnut - manager who had ears like the FA cup
Sweaty - (was a jock) but had "hygeine issues"
Bart - 50 odd year old female with hair that resembled Bart Simpsons

The rest are probably not suitable for here
Moggy, nothing to do with cats his surname is Moggeridge. His nickname changed to Britains Most Wanted, when he was on the front page of The Sun, in the frequent football riots years ago. His long hair was rapidly cut off.

Mary, his surname is Whitehouse.

Eagle, because he was bald (American Bald Eagle), his most recent wife was one of very few women working in our toolroom, a predominantly male environment, she became Bird.

Starter Bra, another of the very few women in the toolroom and pretty much flat chested.

Monotone Monty, he spoke with a monotone when on the phone, not sure where Monty came from as his name was Chris. He had a bit of a breakdown at work one day and started saying, at great length, how he liked sponges. He duly became known as Sponges.

Turbo, he had a succession of Fiesta and Escort RS Turbos.

Jeff Dudes, he called everyone Dude, but an apprentice was convinced it was his real name.

Ace, his name was Stacey which was shortened to Stace, but as he thought he was the best, this soon became Ace.

Porky, real name Paul who although liked to weight train was very portly even though he reckoned he had next to no body fat,

Bench Press. A manager in the press shop also into weight training. in a morning meeting someone asked if anyone had anything to add before the meeting was adjourned, for some obscure reason, he piped up that he was the only one in the room who can bench press 300lb.

We also had a Bart due to his haircut, he was also named Ratty or Rat Boy due to his rat like features.

Nothing to do with nicknames but probably parents with a cruel sense of humour. I worked with a bloke whose surname is Lynnes, he has 5 kids and all their first names start with the letter C as he thought C Lynnes would sound like sea lions. Another bloke named his son so his initials are LSD. In the place I work now, we have a Matt White and a Jet Black
I've got a work mate whose nickname is "Shagger". You might think that's pretty cool.

She doesn't like it.

A rework of a Jimmy Car joke.
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Only two spring to mind - we had a new YTS join us called Peter. We already had three peters in the garage so he became Wendy.
The other was Morph. He thought it was because of the plasticine character, but it was really short for morphine as he was a slow acting dope
Real name Colin, into archery so was called Robin (Hood.) Now gets called Colon probably because he's a bit of an arse, or Clipboard because he is invariably wandering around with one.
Real name Scott but gets called Frank because he has a big round head and very short hair just like the paper mache headed character Frank Sidebottom.
Indian bloke, real name Baljit, but lecturer at college said he wouldn't be able to remember it so called him Bill. Still known as Bill 37 years later.
Real name Jim, but called Skeletor because he looked like Skeletor.
Real name Dave, but called Scoffer as he was always seemed to be eating and always ate quickly.
Me real name Neil, been called many things Nosey or Concorde on account of my nose, because of my weight training / bodybuilding and at the time watching WWF Wrestling, Warrior as I had similar long hair to the late Ultimate Warrior, although some think it was because of the Warrior in Gladiators.
Bloke looked like Joe 90 when he was am apprentice, he became known as Joey
Tony was a welder, who never failed to leave loads of splatter on the job. He got called Tony Splattery after the comedian Tony Slattery.
Another welder, surname Muge, around 5'6" tall, so got called Huge.
Fruit Bat or shortened sometimes to just Bat, because he looked like one.
Sully because he looked like the Monsters Inc character, minus the blue fur obviously.
Couple of Instructors in the trade school when we were apprentices, Old f*** f*** on account of that seemed to be every other word that came out of his mouth. The other was known as Mr Claypole after the Rent A Ghost character as there was a very strong likeness, that and his name wasn't too dissimilar to Claypole.
Frosty, on account of he never got a tan even when he went abroad.
Cheese roll, because he was boring just like a cheese roll.
Ugly Dave, because he was ugly, he was introduced to someone once as Ugly Dave and they asked him why the called him Dave.
Surname Sinclair became known a Skincare, no idea why.
Surname Rex, some called him Sexy or Sexy Rexy, I just called him T Rex as he was an old dinosaur.
Bumper - He's a big lad and keeps bumping into stuff

Boozer - Liked a drink.

We had a CID officer called Sherlock - as it was shear luck if he caught anyone.
We have a guy we call Steve the Pirate because he thinks he has long hair with a ponytail.

its realy because he smells awfull and has green teeth.
Some epic nicknames, do you think they're less common now?

I'd say so because a lot of the younger generation (christ that makes me sound old) have been bought up in this namby pamby World where a nickname would be considered bullying and HR teams would have a field day!

Yes, there's a line between banter and bullying which should never be crossed but nicknames are just a little fun
Got a mate here who seems to be off sick for a day or two every other week, Sicknote seems a bit obvious, any other ideas?
Got a mate here who seems to be off sick for a day or two every other week, Sicknote seems a bit obvious, any other ideas?

"New Boy" in the sense that he's never there long enough to know who he is?