Night Photography

Dave Tucker
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Had a go at Night Photography, not sure how safe I felt taking photos in a city centre at night! Would be grateful for C&C as I am new to this...



They are fine shots.
I would have had safety concerns in a city at night with a camera.
Thanks, regarding Night photography in the "city centre" I was acutley aware that I was walking around with expensive equipment, do not know what the answer is, suppose "safety in numbers" perhaps "buddy up"
Fantastic Shot lopve the second well done

As for saftey i normaly go out with my brother and shoot together so yeah saftey in numbers is best

Very nice, love the second shot. I think anyone would be nervous, including me. As mentioned before buddy up. But also act confidently, and be aware of certain places to avoid, ie dark lonely places, keep nr CCTV cameras, and dont leave any gear unattended.
Lovely shots, i know what you mean about safety, i'm a strong bloke who used to work out, but if a van full of pikeys stop when i'm on a remote bridge i've had it.... 2k of gear needs plenty of awareness !
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Both are nice shots. I can't place the first one, but unless I am mistaken the second is the Trade Centre in Hull (my home city).

I've spent time photographing the marina area and other city centre's before, althought I've never felt threatened, I have always made a point of being aware of my surroundings at all times.
Very nice shots especially No2, that is a cracking shot/image!
loving the both. if i were to criticise anything i would try and loose the half light and crane from the far left of no1

Really like both of those. There's great colour in the first and a nice industrial feel to itl. Lovely lines and light in the second.