Night Snow

the 1st two could have been taken during the day (especially today as it is very overcast) and the 2nd one seems a little dark on my monitor - there's nothing for me to see except treetops and sky - can't see snow :( (probably my monitor though)

however no. 3 is great, it has some lovely curves to the snow which complement the curved road, and you've caught the street light just right :clap:
A tweak to the white balance improves #3 IMO ... let me know if you would prefer it taken down :)

ohhh could be my monitor still gramps but the street light has a green ring in it now lol, I think I prefer the orange-ness of the original :)
No 3 has a nice emptiness feel about it. like it a lot :) looks like you got hit hard with the snow!
Number three for me. Although I agree with gramps that a wb tweak would help, but maybe not as far as in his edit.

Number one looks too dull for me. Like an under exposed daytime shot?
The shapes in the drifted snow in #3 are great. Really like that one.