Night time, Disused tin mine, nr Marazion,Cornwall

Excellent stuff and nice approach
very nice - quite a long exposure guessing by the star trails in 1. do you get shots like these?

Hi Jim, Thank you very much.
The hardest part was trying to compose the pic, I could see nothing through the viewfinder. That and standing around in the cold. Here is the exif info so you can see the details.

pic 1. f5.6 exp 193 seconds iso 2000! focal length 10mm Tamron. It was pitch dark with only the stars. Used a small torch and went over the building several times in a patchy fashion to try and build some interesting light. Just touched on the foreground with the torch to light the rock.

Pic 2 F8 68 seconds iso 2000! Focal length 10mm Torch light only.
I really liked the way the clouds moving across the sky looked and it made me think of an Aurora.

Pic 3 f 5.6 42 seconds, iso 200 Focal length 12mm torch light.

Hope that is of interest. mark
Superb. 3 excellent shots but #1 clinches it for me even though I'm a sucker for simplicity in an image. #1 has a lot going on but it isn't at all "busy" if that makes any sense :thinking:
Superb. 3 excellent shots but #1 clinches it for me even though I'm a sucker for simplicity in an image. #1 has a lot going on but it isn't at all "busy" if that makes any sense :thinking:

Cheers Mark, I get what you mean.
Wow, very good photo's, I love the tin mines in Cornwall, just 2 questions, 1. what kind of torch did you use? 2. why did you use ISO 2000?
No.3 for me, good angle on a classic image.

In No.1 the halo around the engine house and the dead centralness of it puts me off.

I don't believe that's a mine site I've visited either!
Great shots, all 3 getting my vote - love the way the bricks stand nice and bold due to the torch light in 3 and love the star trails in 1

Would love to have a go at that myself
Stunning images!!

No1 for as it looks a tad the Northern Lights

Well done
Hi Everyone, Big thank you for all the replies.
In answer to 2 questions Why iso 200 and what type of torch.
Iso 2000, as I was in a hurry, it was real cold and I didn't have much time to hang around. I plan to go back with more time and a proper torch and do proper llllong exp. and get long star trails. The other reason why iso 2000 was I had a really weak torch, like amazingly rubbish and i didn't have enough battery power to do as many shots as i would have liked. the pics are straight out of camera. d5000. theres a lot could be done in pp with the grain if i wanted to but im happy as they are. I,m not a perfectionist or a pixel peeper.

Daren, I too thought the clouds looked a tad like the Northern lights, I,m glad they were there.
Big thank you for so many kind comments. Mark
Hi Everyone, Big thank you for all the replies.
In answer to 2 questions Why iso 200 and what type of torch.
Iso 2000, as I was in a hurry, it was real cold and I didn't have much time to hang around. I plan to go back with more time and a proper torch and do proper llllong exp. and get long star trails. The other reason why iso 2000 was I had a really weak torch, like amazingly rubbish and i didn't have enough battery power to do as many shots as i would have liked. the pics are straight out of camera. d5000. theres a lot could be done in pp with the grain if i wanted to but im happy as they are. I,m not a perfectionist or a pixel peeper.

Daren, I too thought the clouds looked a tad like the Northern lights, I,m glad they were there.
Big thank you for so many kind comments. Mark
thanks for the reply, another question lol what torch will you buy? I mean what bulb? Yellow, White? Or LED etc or will it not matter
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Hi Brendon,
Well, this is what I,m thinking.
1 small wind up torch to get me to the site. ( no worries about flat batteries or charger)

1 Bright led torch, with long battery life and a 12v car charger. Would like warm white led's but can easily change the colour temp in photoshop so ill get whatever is the best deal. I like the battery life on these as it takes the pressure off about worrying how long.

1 Of those 1 million candle power torches, with a car charger. I don't like these as I find they only last for around 20 mins on a full charge. There about £10.
This ill use not for lighting the main subject but for some background effect lighting so it'll only be on for very short bursts.

Think ill be needing a caddy:D:D:D.
Cheers Mateyyy.
great shots!! was thinking of trying something like this myself when I'm down in corwall at the end of the month. You've done these really well
These are really very good. Your technique works superbly.
Lovely shots, especially number 1, what you have done with the lighting makes it look like HDR :D
It's a real pity about that halo in the first, it would be a lovely image without

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Photograph #1 is sensational, there is so much going on for the eye to absorb that it really plays games with you, first sight is of course the well lite stone/rock in the foreground this attracts the eye immediately and sends you up the path to the building and all of the detailing of the stone work. The brighter sky to the LH then attracts you to the light trails in the sky and takes you around to the bright light trail, maybe the dog star or something like, which then collects your eye to the silhouetted frame work and small building on the RH side. This then brings you back to the lite stone/rock and off your eye,s go again.

what a fantastic set, love them all as they are. tried some painting last year. proper failed!!!
These three really interested me. I decidied #3 looked too heavilly process for me so went back to 1 & 2.

#1 does have a process halo around the building but imo it adds to the mysterious spooky feel of the picture so i don't actually mind it. The composition could be improved by applying the rule of thirds.

#2 is another mystery shot, not as strong either in content or process but I'm intrigued by the way the building disappears into the dark. Better processed but less interesting than #1

Love all these well taken and thanks for the info on how they were achieved.I do have a question.If I were to have go at this would I be aiming to expose for the sky and just paint the biulding/object or the other way around?

I really like these, just had a look at flickr page too and the tools and tapsetc are really smart - how did you do those if I may ask, some PS plugin or loys of processing work?


Very well done

Looking out some batteries for the torch :)
Crumbs, I cant believe all the replies.
Thank you so much everyone for all the kind words, very much appreciated.

Gaz, thank you, I replied to you through Fliker.

Paul, thank you. There should what i used on some of my flickr pics.
It's mostly the love of photoshop and layers. And I,ve made some actions.

Thank you all so much.

I would say if you haven't tried it and your thinking about giving it a go, try it and i,m sure you'll be surprised. The great thing is you can see the results right away on your screen, so if you have exposure problems you'll be able to get it right with just a few tester shots.
Take a flask, and a watch and some warm clothes as standing around at night waiting for long exposures can be cold when your not moving about.
I bought a ir remote from on line auction for £3 new and that is great.
If it's real dark 1 powerfull torch would be handy to light things up as you look through the viewfinder to compose.
One thing that concerns me about being stood round in the dark in a quiet place with expensive looking camera gear is being bashed on the head for it. I take my dog, a heavy tripod, and keep away from anywhere Dodgy.
Look after yourselves, Happy shooting.
Thank you, John,
and thank you for telling me about the magazine. I ll have a look at that.
I have just had a nose on youtube and theres no end of interesting videos on there about making long exposure star trails and how to do stacking. Amazing work on there.
Cheers John.
Yip, you've done really well there.

#2 is my favourite.

I'd like to see #1 with a crop off the left, and a crop off the left and right, to see what the results are....

Might have t try this sometime.
