Nikon 20mm1.8 filters

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Want a nikon 20mm 1.8G

Will 100mm Lee filters be big enough or does it need bigger SW150 set?

I've already got 100mm lee's and 105mm CPL filter.....
The 100mm filters are fine Mark... great lens the 20mm 1.8, hardly used my 16-35F4 since getting it

Just checking...... Are you using fx or dx?
Already got one thanks! On my tokina 20-35 I can see the corners are black at 20mm and didn't want to have to crop every image! And with my sigma 10-20 on nikon crop it was equivalent of 21mm on fx was widest
How does it compared to your 16-35 at 20mm?

At small apertures (F8-F16) not any significant difference but at F4 definitely sharper, obviously the prime has an advantage here as it's stepped down a couple of stops.

The size/weight factor are significant for me too and the prime is way better at shooting directly into the sun, produces nice sunbursts too
Looking forward to trying out my 20 f1.8 this weekend in the lakes. I swapped over from a 16-35 as I wanted wide aperture lens. I will be using 100mm filters and the UWA adapter so I can let you know. I don't expect there to be a problem when the 16-35 at 16mm was fine with the same setup.
At small apertures (F8-F16) not any significant difference but at F4 definitely sharper, obviously the prime has an advantage here as it's stepped down a couple of stops.

The size/weight factor are significant for me too and the prime is way better at shooting directly into the sun, produces nice sunbursts too

Cheers. I am not a big into the sun shooter nor do I shoot wide open. I'll stick with the 16-35 for now as it is pretty nice.