Nikon AF-S DX 35mm f1.8G

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Thinking about buying this lens to go on my Nikon D40 and selling the 18-55mm kit lens to partly pay for it. Does this seem like a good idea? Is the 35mm focal length wide enough to be a good walkabout lens on a DX camera?

My main interest is in low light handheld city stuff at night and landscapes. The kit lens doesnt' really have a large enough aperture for night stuff - maximum f3.5. I may end up buying some ultrawide zoom down the line for landscapes - possibly sigma 10-20mm.....

All the reviews I have read so far seem to indicate it's a good lens - especially in this price range - but is it really a better option than the kit lens overall? What do you guys think?
I have both on my d3000.
I generally find the 18-55's zoom is a tiny bit more useful than the 35's aperture when on walkabout, but that's usually during daylight hours. I reckon I would go straight for the 35mm if it were night time though.

Selling the kit lens wont raise much cash towards the new purchase, plus most people hang onto the kit lens so they can sell it with the body when they upgrade.

Thanks for replying. I know it won't raise much money but I've seen them go for £60-70 on ebay and every little helps I guess. Do you think I should keep it as a 'just in case' ? I can afford the 35mm without selling the kit lens.

How is the sharpness on the 35mm at similar apertures to the kit lens?
I got the 35mm for lifestyle work but recently used it for landscape whilst on a holiday and although it wasn't always wide enough I never felt tempted to use the 18-55. I got it over the slightly cheaper 50mm 1.8 upon recommendation.
In response to your recent question, I find the lens to be sharp enough throughout except sometimes when its wide open.. others may disagree based on experiences.
If it helps, I'm making exactly the same moves as you. I've just gone to a Tokina 11-16mm UWA and I'm now buying the 35mm to replace the 18-55mm as my general lens. I'm opting for it over the 50mm as I've heard some issues with the 50mm on crop sensors (such as ours on the D40) not giving enough width - it's too close-up.
Only you can decide whether it's worth while to let go the zoom lens for the prime. If most of your shots are at the 35mm range then that would make sense. Personally, as the zoom is not going to fetch much I'd be more inclined to keep it as that will act as your wide angle before acquiring a wide angle lens, and serving as useful spare.

Part from that the 35mm is a good performer from f/2.2 onwards, it certainly wasn't optimised for shooting wide open. 50mm 1.8 is cheaper, but it also won't AF as it's a screw driven lens- D40 series camera require lens with in built motors to AF.
Ah yes, do keep the kit lens. The D40s resale strength is as a starter's camera and they'll want an all-in-one package to get them started! (y)
I've been considering the 35mm recently as well in addition to my 50mm because the 50mm comes to approx 75mm after calculating the crop factor... not really what you need for landscapes. More better for portraits.