Review Nikon cashback refusal.

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I've had an unwelcome email from Nikon today.
I recently bought (11th July) a D500 and 200-500mm f5.6 zoom - I submitted the paperwork for the cashback, and it was duly authorised.
On Tuesday (17th July) I ordered a AF-P 70-300mm f4.5-5.6E ED VR lens from Park Cameras, delivered yesterday. The dealer from whom I bought the original items has had no stock of the lens (along with most other Nikon dealers), so that is why I bought from Park Cameras.
Nikon have refused the cashback on the lens because apparently, according to the T & C's, all items have to be bought at the same time.
I have never come across such an unfair deal with any other supplier, and I am spitting blood about it.
Of course I will write and complain, has anyone else had similar problems?
Fuji did something similar on one of their early cashback offers, nearly got caught myself.
Something along the lines of the more lenses you bought the better the cashback.
Only realised at the last minute they had to be bought at the same time from the same place

Sneaky devils all of them, quite often a separate company that runs the cashback promotions
Did you not think of reading the terms and conditions?

Nikon said:
The promotion is available to the original purchaser and is limited to one claim per person for the duration of the promotion, although if you buy more than one qualifying product in one transaction you can claim for all products. For the avoidance of doubt, if you for example buy 3 qualifying items in the same transaction you can claim for all of them. If you buy 3 qualifying items in 3 separate transactions you can only claim for one of them.

It's paragraph 10 here:

It's crystal clear. Get angry by all means, if you like, but don't bother complaining because it's a waste of time and effort. You haven't got a leg to stand on.
Although I can understand your pain, I doubt you will get anywhere, the terms are very clear. I expect you could have bought from a supplier that had all 3 in stock. Other than the cashback I hope you are pleased with your new camera and lenses.
Although I can understand your pain, I doubt you will get anywhere, the terms are very clear. I expect you could have bought from a supplier that had all 3 in stock. Other than the cashback I hope you are pleased with your new camera and lenses.

The only supplier nationally I eventually found was Park Cameras.
Return it for a refund and get a friend to buy it with cash back.......?

That’s some lateral thinking!
Unfortunately I needed the lens for this weekend.
That's awful. I would write to the trading standards and send a copy of the complaint to someone higher up at Nikon in the UK.
That's awful. I would write to the trading standards and send a copy of the complaint to someone higher up at Nikon in the UK.

What on earth do you think trading standards will do about it??? They offered a deal with specific terms that OP failed to meet, these terms were published and available.

By all means try appealing to Nikon (specifically their PR department) and do it on Twitter or Facebook so it is in the public eye rather than a phone call that no one else will ever see or hear.
That's awful. I would write to the trading standards and send a copy of the complaint to someone higher up at Nikon in the UK.

Make sure a copy of the T&C's are sent with that as well...

I don't get why you'd kick off if you've not adhered to the T&C's? Used to really wind me up working for PlusNet when people would say they were going to trading standards/Ofcom with complaints when they hadn't read them.
I would write to the trading standards and send a copy of the complaint to someone higher up at Nikon in the UK.
Why on earth would you do that? You'd be just wasting your time and theirs. The Ts & Cs were crystal clear, and the OP didn't read them. Nikon have done nothing wrong.
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Hmmm good spot, I assumed it was per lens per transaction (as none of the camera shops are making that distinction evident!) I was hoping to claim for Camera and 2 lenses but looks like I can only claim one now.

I've just filled out my application (this post acted as a good reminder)... I was a bit miffed I had to also provide a filled in warranty card - surely if its registered on the Nikon portal as my kit and I have a supporting invoice that should be enough for them... anyway. Job done. Awaiting confirmation.
Make sure a copy of the T&C's are sent with that as well...

I don't get why you'd kick off if you've not adhered to the T&C's? Used to really wind me up working for PlusNet when people would say they were going to trading standards/Ofcom with complaints when they hadn't read them.
It's not about T&Cs, but the artificial stock shortages engineered during periods of 'cashback' promotions. For example, Amazon suddenly stopped stocking RX100M3 to stop customers taking advantage of double cashback. It is about time these cashback promotions are put to scrutiny and regulated.
It's not about T&Cs, but the artificial stock shortages engineered during periods of 'cashback' promotions. For example, Amazon suddenly stopped stocking RX100M3 to stop customers taking advantage of double cashback.
Really? And your evidence for that assertion is... what, exactly?

It is about time these cashback promotions are put to scrutiny and regulated.
Absolutely. If I were you I would write to Trading Stsndards about it. It's shameful the way these companies offer you something for nothing, and then have the cheek to put restrictions on it. Nikon should be forced to just empty their bank account into yours.
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Really? And your evidence for that assertion is... what, exactly?

Absolutely. If I were you I would write to Trading Stsndards about it. It's shameful the way these companies offer you something for nothing, and then have the cheek to put restrictions on it. Nikon should be forced to just empty their bank account into yours.
I have written to them. I have also written to my MP and information commissioner expressing concern on the harvesting of sensitive information including bank account details by third parties who operate these cashback operations on behalf of their clients. If the manufacturers want to offer 'something for nothing', they can always reduce the price at point of purchase.
If the manufacturers want to offer 'something for nothing', they can always reduce the price at point of purchase.
That's funny. I thought that manufacturers dictating retail prices was illegal.
Another pointless thread read, to simplify, "customer buys goods thinking he is saving a fortune but did not read T&Cs so blames supplier for his mistake"


Sorry, but I object to your conclusion.
I tried to buy the lens at the same time, but no one had stock!
Sorry, but I object to your conclusion.
I tried to buy the lens at the same time, but no one had stock!

The offer had plenty of time to run, a decent supplier would have put it on back order and then you complete the claim once you have all the answers required, I stand by what i said, you did not read the conditions otherwise you would have known that

Sorry, but I object to your conclusion.
I tried to buy the lens at the same time, but no one had stock!

Out of interest, would you go into Tesco to get 25% off 6 bottles of wine, when they only had 3 you wanted expect to go back at another time or to another Tesco and get the other 3 and still get your 25% off?
Park also have the D500 and 200-500... seems you could have bought all three from them. If the wait/hassle wasn't worth it to you, or the 70-300 was an afterthought, then that was your choice.
Why can't they just run multi-buy deals like Tesco without all this stupid cashback nonsense?
A multi-buy deal is not an effective promotional method in the photographic equipment market. Tesco can offer you a discount on three tubes of toothpaste because you know you'll need them eventually; the offer just encourages you to buy them now instead of later, and at Tesco instead of elsewhere. Offering you a discount if you bought three lenses wouldn't work the same because most people don't want three lenses.

But also, the cashback deal in this story is not necessarily a multi-buy. The deal was that the OP could get cashback on up to three items in one transaction. He just didn't read the terms.

If you want a supermarket analogy, it's like when you get a coupon offering you £5 off if you spend £50. The OP wanted to use the coupon twice.
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Why can't they just run multi-buy deals like Tesco without all this stupid cashback nonsense?
Because Nikon are not a retailer. They do the cash-back thing because if they just reduced the trade price in the hope that retailers would follow suit with retail prices, many retailers would just up their profits.