Nikon D3 AF problem - slow...

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I am a D3 owner and I noticed a major AF lag when shooting indoors - I went back to my D200 and had no lag at all even when using the same lenses, same exposure settings (manual) and same lighting conditions.

With my D3 I cant shoot anyone moving in my direction without backing up at the same speed. When there is more light (outdoors) I dont see the problem as much - but once again, the D200 has no problem at all.

Even when outdoors, when I take a burst of say 9 shots of someone walking towards me, the AF (even when on the constinuous mode) does not re-adjust after about 3 shots. So many shots are going to waste.

What am I not doing right here? Anyone know?
Do you a straight swap for my D300? ;)

Does the problem happen on all focus modes (51-point, single point etc)?
Yes, I have tried them all.

I work on the single point AF mode as well and you would think this would be the quickest by far, but it actually struggles just as much in this mode.

The lighting conditions I am speaking of are basicly two windows in a room where I would be shooting at say f2.8 1/50 ISO 400....for proper exposure. So it's not like I am shooting in the dark - there is plenty of light!
Can you post some examples, at 1/50 I'd be looking at camera shake inducing blur that looks like a mis-focus.
Can you post some examples, at 1/50 I'd be looking at camera shake inducing blur that looks like a mis-focus.

No, it's not that...Before the picture is taken, before the shutter even opens, the camera sometimes takes a good FULL 1 to 2 seconds before it catches proper focus.

I messed around with it last night and nothing really changed the AF issue. I didnt have time to pull out my D200, but last time I did, the D200 had NO problems focusing on any object in a low lit room. There was a clear difference between the two cameras.
It could be any of them really:

50mm 1.8
17-55 2.8 (havent upgraded yet)
70-200 VR
105mm Macro

Also, when I say 1 or 2 seconds lag, I mean a FULL 1 or 2 seconds. take a stop watch and time it or simply count out "one one-thougsand, two one-thousand..." - It's longer than it sounds! Especially when you need that instant shot of an expression - a 1 to 2 second lag will miss it every time.
I plan to upgrade firmware tonight. I have read up on it and hesitated initially just to make sure the upgrade didnt cause any issues. I dont think this will have any efect, but who knows?
Firmware version 2.00 worked and I have not seen the problem occur yet. The autofocus seems to be quick and accurate. 100% satisfied with it now!

By the way, my old firmware was version 1.11 - I think this was very outdated.
Glad you got it sorted.