Nikon D3s (Favour to ask in Herts)

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Hi everyone,

I'm toying with selling my DX gear and moving up to FX format, always been adamant the D3s is the body for me to settle on and not change again. I've gone round and grabbed a few test shots on the original D3 and more recently a D3x but as it stands I haven't actually got any from a D3s to compare them with. Last year a member was kind enough to let me try out his D3s at a studio night but unfortunately it seemingly ate his CF card and I lost everything I had shot.

I don't want to seem cheeky, but would anyone Hertfordshire based with a D3s be able to spare a few minutes one day/evening for me grab a few test shots to take away and examine? I'm just wanting to get an idea of low light performance as my D3000 suffers with a lot of noise when I bump the ISO up. I know it will be better but I'm curious to know just how much better before I invest.

Happy to buy you a drink for your troubles (y)
Please bare this in mind. 'Pro' football photographers will either have Canon or Nikon. A massive percentage of the Nikon togs will be using D3/s'. I use mine for Premiership and Championship matches sometimes up to 6400+ ISO depending on the venue. My D700 is stunning too at those speeds. I wouldn't worry about all the comparing etc, just buy one!! Simples....