Nikon D600 Oil Problem has it been fixed?

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New to the forum! Just like to ask does anyone know if the Nikon D600 Oil issue has been fixed? I want to buy the camera but the oil issue is a big put off more me :(!

Thanks Joe, :D
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It's not a problem... just clean your sensor if it happens. Chances are it won't though. Stuff gets on your sensor every once in a while... you just clean it. Loads of threads on here re: sensor cleaning, so you can find out the best place to get sensor cleaning kits from.
i havent heard of it being fixed, seen so many people complaining which put me off so i bought a 6D. why would anyone want to keep cleaning their sensor every few hundred shots?!?
I was going to leave Canon behind to return to Nikon and get a D600 (I started out with Nikon and I've always felt like a Nikonian) as it sounds like a great body, but having read lots of reviews complaining about this oil on the sensor issue, i've decided to stay with Canon for a while.
Dust on the sensor is to be expected to an extent after some use I guess, but its not a problem you really want if possible and oil is definitely not a desirable substance to have on there. Stills can be cleaned up ok but not so easy with video.
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I have the same problem with my d7000, cleaning the sensor removes the issue. The d600 seems to be full frame equivalent of the d7000 (size wise and layout) so it's probably not surprising, just annoying they haven't learnt from it. I wonder what the difference is between the d600 and d800 that causes this problem in the d600 and not the d800? While its annoying its not something that stops me enjoying my d7000.
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I would suggest that this is a design fault, given the number of complaints and the video test that involved no lens changes, and may take a while to fix permanently.

In contrast, I've been testing my 6D with plenty of old lenses for compatibility purposes (100 odd lens changes) and after 1200 shots I still have no marks. Which is a revelation for me after the original 5D :LOL:
Bought a d600 2nd hand with around a 1000 shots already, I've yet to find any oil build up