Review Nikon D7000 review

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Hey all. I know it's been out for a while, but I've been using the D7000 for the last 6 months on loan from Nikon, as a backup to my D3s. Well, I've finally put all my thoughts down in to a review.

As with all my reviews, it's just a sum up of my thoughts after using something for my style of shooting, but hopefully it'll give some food for thought to anyone looking to potentially buy one.

It's a lengthy article, but if you're interested, you can read it here.


Thanks for looking, hope it helps :)
Good review, Richard - I enjoyed reading it. Looking at some of the shots, like the red fox on the snow, how did you overcome the over-exposure issue? Did you just use spot-metering?
Thanks buddy. I usually over expose a tad when shooting in snow. I don't think I've ever used spot meter to be honest! Usually just use auto ISO and exposure compensation based on how I want to expose for the subject.
I agree on all counts with your review.
Really interesting read, and the other subjects branching off, especially the D7k vs D300 ISO test
Lovely review, thanks.

I'm guessing that the buffer speed is nowhere near as slow if you're shooting in jpeg rather than RAW?
Jpeg only is almost continuous shooting with a fast card
great review, just one question, when you say its small how small is it? i have d3100 and i find that small (i have large hands) i want to upgrade the body so wondering if it might be small to hold. How does it compare size wise to the D90 as that seems fine in my hands?