Nikon D80 or D5000

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A friend of mine wants to buy a Nikon body for around the 400 mark.

I recommend a second-hand D80 or a new D5000.

Does anybody know if one is greater than the other?

Many thanks

Depends on what he wants to do really, the D5000 is the newer technology so will have better ISO performance and video but the D80 will have better access to features and is bigger which will be a factor if your friend has big hands.

Personally, I'd try and stretch the budget slightly and get a D90 - the best of both worlds.
got to stick to that budget im afraid other the d90 would be the obvious choice.

He mainly wants just an all round camera and will be mainly using JPEG instead of RAW.

Does the D5000 have better Jpeg processing?

Actually, if you're looking at previous gen technology you may as well go for a D200 (should be in budget) as that has weather sealing and even better access to features.

That makes the decision much tougher...
Ok, if he just wants a high quality 'point and shoot' he may as well go for the D5000 as that has better jpg processing (it automatically removes CA, for example).
How much does the friend know about DSLR's and photography? The D5000 will do a much better job of hand holding; explanations and menus:shrug: However, he will be able to grow with it and its newer technology.

The D80/D200 are great cameras but a bit 'in at the deep end' if you are not 'a bit clued up'?

The D200 was my first DSLR so you can start with something like that. I actually think that the pro bodies are easier to use after the initial lesson of aperture/shutter speed/ISO. All the variables are easily accessible, it handles non motor lenses, it has weatherproofing etc etc.
D5000. Newer tech, will produce better pictures. I'd use one myself if necessary.