Nikon D800......

wasnt someone raving about detail and seeing reflections?

well here is one from me i am reflected in the frogs eyes as is the house and telephone pole.


this with my D3s 300mm F4 and 1.4 tc

i wanted to show that most of us wont need all the D800 has to offers to get the results we want. :)

just watched this and thought it was a good comparison between the d800 and 5dmk3.
a quick summery was that the nikon was given the edge due to the higher MP but that iso and DR wernt much different between the two,not noticably anyway and the 5dmk3 AF was slightly faster to lock focus.

It seems that its alotmore of an even playing field this time around with both cameras preforming equaly aswell.i wonder if the d4 and 1dx will be similar also

That's also a good summary seen from my perspective in the Canon camp....

I think the video concluded that they are so close there is nothing to be gained by changing systems.
What's wrong with people discussing the pros and cons of a camera through researching technical data, online reviews from various sources and also from professionals and amateurs who own one?

I've always believed that this is what good research is all about but I'm getting the impression you want all that dismissed in favour of your opinion and one which is put across in quite an obnoxious manner to be honest.
That's also a good summary seen from my perspective in the Canon camp....

I think the video concluded that they are so close there is nothing to be gained by changing systems.

I have to admit, the 5D MkIII looks like the perfect camera from specs through to price, although say £500 less would make it totally irresistible to many I'm sure!
I don't think it's such a big deal to discuss the pros and cons of a camera which costs in excess of £2K. The defensive reaction from some is interesting.

as is the offensive.

What's so interesting about the defensive reaction, yet so uninteresting about the offensive reaction?

Some people have bought the camera, tried it, and like it.
Many have read reviews, and some like what they read while some others don't.

It seems to me that the negatives are largely from people who haven't tried it, and I don't understand why. I remember people saying it would be 3+ stops worse at high iso than the D700, yet the reality is that it's better at high iso than the D700. There are also those that insist on making all comparisons at 100% crop which is, quite frankly, pointless. The posts about requiring better glass than ever before, and needing faster shutter speeds in order to get the same quality as you had fro a D700 are also rubbish.

There have been issues with some of the bodies, like it freezing. That's not just a weakness that you have to live with, it's quite clearly a fault that will be fixed.
Seems simple really, those that have it will do their utmost to justify their purchase ... human nature ... and they may well be right. Those that haven't will be looking at reports of problems and counting their money several times over, thinking 'shall I ... shan't I'.
Nothing wrong with differing views and opinions.
After reading good and bad reviews, and about some problems( focus points) I was thinking about 3ds...but d800 has still one major advantage over d3s for me, and it is video and limit in recording in HD.
3ds can only record 5mins in 720p, where d800'can 30mins in 1080p.

So h&m revenue should hurry up and give me my tax return back:) then bye bye d700, welcome d800:)
Well here you go, and before you ask no I am not posting full size images on my site :)

D800, ISO400,85mm,f/5,1/1600 I tend to stay on 400 with all my cameras.



as you can see just a little detail in the crop to the eye :)

Has anyone any guess at what the D800s base price will come down to once the initial rush is over? I have seen one UK retailer advertising at £2395 saying "cheapest in the uk" but of course no stock yet and I reckon they will be a good while getting any being a small independent shop.
I'm hoping the come down to something like £2000 in which case I could justify going D4 now and D800 later on. I really like both cameras and can see uses for each for me.
Has anyone any guess at what the D800s base price will come down to once the initial rush is over?
I'm hoping the come down to something like £2000 in which case I could justify going D4 now and D800 later on.
I don't imagine they'll be £2000 this year. There are plenty that will buy above that.
Has anyone any guess at what the D800s base price will come down to once the initial rush is over? I have seen one UK retailer advertising at £2395 saying "cheapest in the uk" but of course no stock yet and I reckon they will be a good while getting any being a small independent shop.
I'm hoping the come down to something like £2000 in which case I could justify going D4 now and D800 later on. I really like both cameras and can see uses for each for me.

They'll be down to £2000.

They won't be down there for a long time, I'd imagine not for a year or so (the D7000 even before the floods took near that long to drop, and that's a consumer body). Question you should be asking is "is £500 worth 5-9 months earlier use out of the body?"
I'm just not sure I can stretch to another £500 if I get a D4 as well. I still can't work out if I should get a D4 and maybe a D700 backup or if I should get a used D3s and place an order now for a D800. Any suggestions?
I reckon a D3s and a D800 on order would be a good combination with one giving you high fps and the other massive resolution and then both giving you all the other things such as dynamic range, iso capabilities etc.
I'm just not sure I can stretch to another £500 if I get a D4 as well. I still can't work out if I should get a D4 and maybe a D700 backup or if I should get a used D3s and place an order now for a D800. Any suggestions?

IIRC, you haven't shot Nikon before.

Buy a used D700, some of the 1.8 primes and a zoom to taste. Decently priced, widely available, and you will be able to sell it on for near the price you get it.

Get the D700, get experience of what it's like to use a Nikon day to day, and most importantly, take note of what limits you and what frustrates you. After a couple of months, you will have an idea of what these things are, how you like the overall ergonomics, and the D800 and D4 will be more widely available (there will at least be demo units in store :bang:).

With your knowledge of what you need extra, you'll be able to pick the right body for you.

For me, I like the smaller bodies, don't especially need high framerates, but need good AF and good low light as well as bright light performance. And the D7000 has spoiled me for dynamic range. The D800 is a no brainer for me. However, I am not you.
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Yeah I'm moving over from Canon. Good point about waiting until the D800 is in the shops. The D3s I could use straight away for a couple of sports assignments I have been asked if I could do. I wonder when the D800 will become available to freely buy from most shops rather than on pre-orders?
Yeah I'm moving over from Canon. Good point about waiting until the D800 is in the shops. The D3s I could use straight away for a couple of sports assignments I have been asked if I could do. I wonder when the D800 will become available to freely buy from most shops rather than on pre-orders?

Do the assignments need a D3s though? If not, no reason not to get the D700 now just to have something to use for them. If it does need a D3s, will the money/opportunities it brings in be a big deal for you? If they will be, then that answers that ;)

All the shops I've spoken to seem to be shipping the cameras out as they're received. It'll probably be a while before you can just walk into a shop to get one.
AP dated 28 April just been delivered. It contains their review of the D800 ............ sounds good !!
Of I would order now, when I could be expecting the camera to be with me? Is it long?
Probably a while yet, I think people who ordered with Amazon on the first day it was available are still waiting.

Has anyone who ordered with Amazon received theirs yet ?
I was running a training course on Friday and one of the attendees (Martin from TP) had his 5dmkiii with him. I was very impressed with it and couldn't help but think this is what the d800 should have been. The high ISO was excellent and 24mp is more than enough for the times I take a crap composition and want to crop something good out of it. Of course one would need to use both in the field to really know which is the more suitable but that was my first feeling
Probably a while yet, I think people who ordered with Amazon on the first day it was available are still waiting.

Has anyone who ordered with Amazon received theirs yet ?
I think if you search this thread there are some that have. I'm expecting a long wait though.
I think if you search this thread there are some that have. I'm expecting a long wait though.

Can only find one post saying that they have received from Amazon.

The rest are probably all enjoying their lovely shiny D800's !

This waiting is becoming painful.
I was running a training course on Friday and one of the attendees (Martin from TP) had his 5dmkiii with him. I was very impressed with it and couldn't help but think this is what the d800 should have been. The high ISO was excellent and 24mp is more than enough for the times I take a crap composition and want to crop something good out of it.

Wash your mouth out with soap. You're a very bad boy! :nono:


It would appear that Jessops have stopped doing 10 months interest free. I'll leave it for a bit longer before the lust takes over!
Yea for sure, more so that what I expected. Whilst the D3x must still have a position, who would buy one now instead of a D800 or is there something I'm missing?

Actually, used prices haven't dropped that much (I've been watching them :cautious:). There have been more available since Feb 7th but the average is still close to the pre-Feb figure.
:LOL: I'm seeing movement from £3500 used, down to £3000 and now selling sub £3000 on eBay for decent examples...

The reason I'm running on about it is because I want a D3x and was working towards one, then came along the D800 and now I dont have a clue what to do :LOL:
:LOL: I'm seeing movement from £3500 used, down to £3000 and now selling sub £3000 on eBay for decent examples...:

Yes, but prices have varied wildly throughout - e.g. the highest price was £3900 on Feb 17th but it was followed by £2500 on Feb 21st. Highest price in April is £3145 and lowest is £2502. The average price in February was £3160, the average price for March & April combined is £2853 - and the average overall is £2979. It all depends on condition and how many are available at the time - there were lots around in February but there aren't many now. (NB. I've ignored overseas sellers and obvious scams).

The reason I'm running on about it is because I want a D3x and was working towards one, then came along the D800 and now I dont have a clue what to do :LOL:

It depends on whether you want a real pro body or not - I've had both types and the D700/800 bodies are not in the same league as the D3/4 series bodies.