Review Nikon SB700 my thoughts (1st post)

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Hay guys this is my 1st post.

My thoughts on the SB700:

i have had the flash now for around 2/3months and Wow what a flash.
i bought it as a second flash my other is the sb900, and i wanted somthing smaller and a second flash unit.

It is excellent little flash producing inuff power for me and not that much differnt as the sb900 power! It rycles just as fast as the sb900 if not faster!

Now ive been using both of them at sporting event and almost evrytime the sb900 overheated on me.
But the sb700 is AWSOME for reliablity! I have blasted the hell out of it at shows and it showed no sighn of even getting hot!

I recomend this flash more then the sb900 for relabilty! its also a lot easy to navigate and use! i recomend it also for 1st time users to flash or just as a back up or second flash!

for a more indepth look at the sb700 and a full spec review please visit my youtube page as i have done 2 vids on the SB700.

Thanks nathan!(y)
Well written and welcome to the forum Nathan!

Good review to boot, I'm pleased with my 700 as well for exactly the reason cited above :)
Was swaying between a new sb700 or a used sb800, think ill get the 700 thanks for the review.

i was toying with the same idea , after reading quite a few reviews on the 700 , i think i will go this way
I also got myself a SB700 as a second flash to my SB900. Its so good, smaller and lighter that I am thinking of getting another one
Im very tempted to get the sb700 over the 900. Does anyone have any tips for using it as it would my first dedicated flash.

Im very tempted to get the sb700 over the 900. Does anyone have any tips for using it as it would my first dedicated flash.


It is easy to use, you have to read the manual carefully.

As long your camera is not an entry level camera, you can use the pop up flash to control the SB700 if it was used off camera.

You can set the power level of the flash in the camera menu as well.

I like it so much I got 3!!! crazy rite? I am waiting for the next SB900 to make it the big brother of my flashes, but if it is the latest one, shouldnt it be the youngest newest brother of the flashers? What a dilemma.
Just purchased one today, after Nikon came back with a £200 repair for my SB800... looking forward to seeing if it can trump the amazing '800 :)
I have one of these with my D7000 and it is my first flash ever.

I generally use it in TTL mode but find the only way I can control the power in TTL is through the camera menu but I am more than pleased with my purchase.
Bobman - if it works anything like the SB800, you should be able to use the scroll wheel on the back to manually adjust the power output (in any mode) without having to delve into the camera menus (unless you're using CLS, then it's all done via the camera/master flash)
Got mine today and have to say it's a 50/50 thing when compared against the SB800, which is what mine is replacing:

The build quality feels excellent and it has a weight in the had that makes it feel utilitarian and workmanlike. Although it's fresh from the factory, I can see the sureness of the mechanisms remaining so, which is why I like Nikon speedlights.

The swivel head is excellent - 180-degree coverage whichever way you twist it. The angle/swivel adjust button in the head isn't as good as that on the SB800.

I love the clip-on gels and the fact they're so easy to use with the diffuser.

The locking lever on the hotshoe is secure but not as smooth as that on the SB800. This will hopefully free up a little with use.

I don't like the fact you can't just swivel the command dial on the rear to adjust power - you have to press SEL first, which is what you do on Canon units and the reason why Nikon's have always been my choice. Poor decision.

The LCD is much clearer than that on previous flashes I've owned.

I like the sliding mode select on the side - reminiscent of the old SB24/25/26, but easier to use. No stroboscopic mode though as far as I can tell....

Non-recessed optical port might be beneficial.

The batter compartment is a departure and I'm disappointed there's no clip-on 5th battery compartment. I know this is effectively an SB600 successor but I thought Nikon would have seen this as a must, seeing as it's a 'baby' SB900.

No external battery connector - massive flaw. Good job I don't use these at the moment....

I love the big red test button (y)

The menu system is easy to use thank to the OK button and command dial. Easier than the crosshair on the SB800.

The switch that turns the flash on/off is nice, until you decide you want to put it in master or remote mode - you need little girl's fingers to press the button AND turn the lever at one time. Bad design IMO, although I suppose it means it isn't switched over accidentally.

Love the case it comes in - tidy and tiny :)

I'm sure that with full use I'll find out more things about what looks like a pretty decent flash. I know it's not actually a direct replacement for the SB800 but at the price it's pitched, it's the obvious decision for me. The jury isn't quite out but we'll see.....
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im thinking of going for a SB600 as this will be my first flash and it fits within my budget. Am i going for the right flash to use with my D3100?
SB700 for me as well. I only use occasionally though to be honest. I also have ab SB400 and despite all the negative comments around it, it produces good results and has adequate power for most indoor normal house shots.