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A friend of mine has just bought a Nikon Dslr and is looking for a dedicated Nikon forum. ( I strongly suggested this forum also :thumb: )

Edited by Steve - Come on guys let's be sensible please. We are open and liberal here with the links that we allow but asking for direct links to competing sites is just not fair on the other members and staff of the community here, who all work very hard to offer help and advice. We are very glad to help your friend with any questions or queries that he/she post here and even offer links to suitable answers that we may not be able to provide, but asking for other sites like this is not really on ;)

If your friend needs another specialist photography forum I am sure that a Google search with the right terms will return suitable links for him to browse.

I have removed all the links in the posts below...I am sure you can understand why.
Not Edited by Steve ;)

but you forgot the thread title m8.....

i actually went there ( 3 weeks back or so ) and didnt think it was my kind of place, and especially that they wanted payment for different levels of membership, surly we are adult enough to know what is a good site and what is not, and that if peeps want to go elsewhere, they will , whether the site name is banned on here or no...
just my thoughts... as i thought it was a bit ' knee-jerk ' m8

would you rather have peeps pm'ing each other about a ' better ' site ??

Steve said:
Come on guys let's be sensible please. We are open and liberal here with the links that we allow but asking for direct links to competing sites is just not fair on the other members and staff of the community here, who all work very hard to offer help and advice. We are very glad to help your friend with any questions or queries that he/she post here and even offer links to suitable answers that we may not be able to provide, but asking for other sites like this is not really on ;)

If your friend needs another specialist photography forum I am sure that a Google search with the right terms will return suitable links for him to browse.

I have removed all the links in the posts below...I am sure you can understand why.

Fair point, Steve. One thing though - while it is useful for general info on Nikon, to do anything remotely useful on that particular site (ie post pics, get a decent gallery, etc) you have to pay, and it's not a pittance either, if I remember correctly. I am a member there (not paid up), but it really does lack the community feel of this place... which is why I haven't even logged on there for a good few months...
Guys you are missing half the thread ;)
The title does refer to another site but the main gist of this thread was littered with other links.

There are no sites that are "banned" here but linking in the way it was done here is not fair.

For the reasons already stated I edited those posts.
Steve said:
Guys you are missing half the thread ;)
The title does refer to another site but the main gist of this thread was littered with other links.

There are no sites that are "banned" here but linking in the way it was done here is not fair.

For the reasons already stated I edited those posts.

cool, but as i'm not currently employed, i have been here all day, and i had read all the posts......

i suppose me using the word ' banned ' was a little stong

but as you quoted only today

"At least double the membership here with everyone's help. :)"

so its maybe not a great start by editing threads cuz you dont like em,

i for one tell everyone remotly interested in photography online or in real life about this place...those posts we doing nothing different to that?

and if you dont remember ....i was a member of the DD , FujiMon.....

D'oh! :doh: Sorry there Steve! Guess it makes sense but no worries. As a member I can honestly say it does lack the 'community' feel you got going on over here. I hope this site doesn't loose that as it grows and get's larger though. There's a reason we all keep coming back over here!


Jules. :)
Nothing is banned on here, not even pictures of me naked, so be warned :p

Seriously though, we don't have anything banned per se, and we don't mind links to other forums, not least the mention of other forums. We're certainly not as strict as the OcUK Forums attitude that I used to be familiar with.

We allo links to other forums, we allow mention of other forums. The only thing we ask is that it's on topic and not linking for linking's sake.
If someone were to just randomly start linking to other photography forums for no reason, then that's not really fair, as it is at risk of us losing business.
However, if someone asked a question on here about, say, the image sharpness of a certain lens, which no one had ever heard about, yet there was a link on another photography forum talking all about it, with a full in depth review. If someone were to link to that particular thread on that other forum, that would be fine, as although it's a risk of taking our business away, it's beneficial to the member.
Same with mentions, and discussing, that we don't mind.

However, a thread literally to discuss other photography forums. While the intentions, I have no doubt, are completely honourable, as are the replies, if you look at it from our point of view, it's not really fair for us to carry that.

Imagine if you went into Tesco, and set up a swapshop in the corner where else people could shop, wouldn't they rightly be upset about it?.
I think this is almost the same (bar we dont make money..) and that we don't have 2 billion profits every 3

Surely you can understand our reasoning?

I had a look before the links were removed.
Guess what?
Life is better here.

Even for me...:p
Well I did originally post the dedicated Nikon forum as per question, but have no probs with it being removed. Nearly all of us know "the other" forums & still come back here, so don't worry too much ;)
For what it is worth my contribution ...

Most of us are pretty big boys and girls and can think for ourselves - that much we can all gather who have hung around for a bit !:smilenod:

Most of us will have seen the majority, if not all the other forum sites at one time or another - it is a lucky bod who turns up here first !;)

This is, by far and away, in my opinion and lots of others judging by this thread alone the single best forum for far too many reasons to mention here. :embarasse We all keep coming back for more after all so it must have something right ? :ponders:

Some may take umbrage at Steve and the other's positions, and are entitled to their own. At the end of the day someone has to moderate and take a judgement on what is right or not for this site - usually those responsible for it and we have to accept that, even if we may express a different view. :hissyfit:

And that illustrates exactly what is right with this site - it is liberally, and fairly run and provides hours of fun for all of us ... we should all applaud the guys for this. :clap: Just as they happily (?) accept our own pov at such times.:thumb:

Sorry ... my pov only and I got a bit carried away !:embarasse
Agreed but I got work tommorrow so aint retyping all that ;)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I'll go along with that too. The skill shown in diffusing difficult situations by the mods is very impressive. Beats me how they manage it :) .

:clap: :clap:
i couldnt agree more,

and for the record , i was a Mod on a large car website for nearly 2 years, before the big broom came along, lol

thanks for the positives guys(see how i skillfully ignore the negatives)

The reason we all moderate so well? we try NOT to moderate....