Noise in all my photos?

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Hello everyone.

I have recently had problems with all my photos I take. I'm only just getting into photography and am very keen to learn however whenever i go out and take photos they always have noise which make what could have been a nice photo rubbish.
Here is a example of a landscape i took yesterday.
I was using my Nikon d5100 with the 18-52mm kit lens
This photo was shoot at
ISO:100 F/22 1/10sec
Please help, it's ruining all my photos and i dont understand why this happens at ISO:100 I'd also like to add that this was taken with a tripod, self timer and a polarizer filter.
Thank you
I can't see much noise in the full sized shot.

The 2nd shot has noise but that was shot at ISO1000

I'll assume you have it set to AutoISO
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I'm not seeing significant noise in that image. I do see a dust bunny, perhaps two. It looks a little soft too, which is probably down to shooting @ f22 rather than anything else. I see a few minor artefacts too when pixel peeping. Did you do any PP on it?

Where in that image do you feel there is noise?
Hello everyone.

I have recently had problems with all my photos I take. I'm only just getting into photography and am very keen to learn however whenever i go out and take photos they always have noise which make what could have been a nice photo rubbish.
Here is a example of a landscape i took yesterday.
I was using my Nikon d5100 with the 18-52mm kit lens
This photo was shoot at
ISO:100 F/22 1/10sec
Please help, it's ruining all my photos and i dont understand why this happens at ISO:100 I'd also like to add that this was taken with a tripod, self timer and a polarizer filter.
Thank you

There's no noise... it's just soft from the aperture you used...

Noise makes things like 'grainy'.
Well I am struggling to see much noise in the example you post, although I am viewing on the iPad. Usual culprits for noise are the obvious high ISO whilst this is obviously not the case here the next likely option is due to image editing. More specifically if you have under exposed and try to rectify in pp.

I assumed the OP put 2 shots up to demonstrate the noise. Noise which is missing from the first shot but is present in the only other shot in his photostream.
I think all my photos have noise, am i being nit picky?
Should i not be shooting at f/22?
no pp
I think the second shot across the lake is showing compression artefacts in the sky, or you have done something odd to it in PP.

If you look at the full size image in Flickr and compare it with the image you see in your photo editor are they the same?

So just to clarify the first shoot is fine but the second is not due to ISO:1000?
Sorry i've only just started in january, so I shouldn't be shooting that at f/22? what should I use for something like that?
thank you
For landscape shots,with a tripod and shutter remote, you may as well shoot in aperture priority, set your ISO at 100,aperture at F8 and let the camera sort the shutter speed out.

Once you get the hang of how things work and how the ISO,shutter speed and aperture are all linked to each other,then you can progress to other things.