Norley MotoX - (Tight Shots, anyone good at removing rope?

Andrew Goldstraw
Edit My Images

Corner shots, i think the terminology is Rooster or Roosting?! I dunno, dirt flying.


Uncropped, obveous its been tinkered with a bit, mainly again with the contrast, vinetting, and a boost in saturation, but all done through editing the RAW. I like the fact it has the fence and dirt flying around. Something different that a whole bike isn't in the frame. I always seem to try for the whole bike/rider in frame.


Contrast seems a little flat here, sure it had more kick...

FIT FOR COMPETITION PURPOSE?? - for those in camera clubs etc?

The foreground interest is sharp, bike isnt static and has wheel blur and some dirt pickup from the wheels. The other riders in the background add some interest but not too strong and the tree which could be distracting is at an angle that works with the foreground rider. I think one of my fav shots as technical composition goes, a possible entry for the inter club competitions?!


Yes, i know he has part of his helmet missing, and i know theres a rope running across the background, and now i've mentioned them, like me you will always notice them :D.

Its annoying, and whats even worse i can't seem to be able to remove the rope without making a mess of it, hence its still there. Anyone fancy having a go???

But i like the colours and and contrast. I think MX shots work well with a bit of that over processed feel.

Thanks for any feedback

if you go to your profile you can tick abox to allow people to edit your images, tick it and im sure someone will clone the rope out

Hope you don't mind me having a very quick play with your photos in PS

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Nice work on those Kemble3, were they just using cloning?
The Helmet in the second isnt really worth trying to recover, i preffer it cropped tight, but i found removing the rope really hard, i seemed to get a light like when the rope was. Maybe i just need to spend more time on them.

Cheers Matt, 3 is a weird one, seems to have lost a lot of contrast and saturation (i think its flickr, or me seeing things), the foreground rider had a lot more "Pop" on him. Had someone else comment the riders in the background should be removed?
On the first pic it was just a quick clone and on the second, the rope was cloned and the canvas was increased slightly and the helmet rebuild, but it was late and for a decent job, would of taken too long.

Glad you liked the anyway.
Goldeeno, nice set of close ups really like number 3,
Swampys effort looks oversaturated and there is possibly a wb prob as well but it certainly jumps out at you
swampy, welcome to the forum but please start your own thread
No 3 looks best frok these to me, and the ropes don't take away from them, after all the have to bethere.