Northumberland 52's Meet

Well done everyone, loads of reat shots.
I'll pass comment accordingly in flickr.

Hopefully I'll have some of mine up at the weekend.
Not been home mush since we left Northumberland, pesky work!

As for you ability doubters and those looking at extra kit, you're daft, there's nothing wrong with what you've posted.

Edit - Blimey, and more have been added while typing (and being distracted by a colleague!)
Edit #2 - My mistake, I was only looking at page 1 :bonk::bonk:
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Well done Mark, for sombody who says he can't do landscape, you are doing very-very well (y)

#13 for me (just needs a wee bit of localised sharpening on the ring) :clap:
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OK, I eventually got to processing a few pictures, here are the first few.
Hopefully I'll have teh rest on my flickr at the weekend.


Hauxley Beach - 001 by HaplessClicker (aka MentalBlock), on Flickr


Hauxley Beach - 002 by HaplessClicker (aka MentalBlock), on Flickr


Hauxley Beach - 004 by HaplessClicker (aka MentalBlock), on Flickr


Budle Bay Sunset - 002 by HaplessClicker (aka MentalBlock), on Flickr


Bamburgh Beach Sunset 001 by HaplessClicker (aka MentalBlock), on Flickr


Bamburgh Catle - 003 by HaplessClicker (aka MentalBlock), on Flickr

Lots of great pictures being posted by everyone.
And another one from me - My first HDR attempt:

Hi All,

Sorry for not posting any photos from the meet. Due to work, home and a few other things I have not had loads of chance to tweak my photos. Also I am not the quickest at processing them!! :D

I have put five on my flickr account. I have put three below. I will be putting more up as I have lots to still go through. Comments would be welcomed as I am not very happy with the shots I took and any ideas to improve would be great.

From the photos I have seen from everyone else they are fantastic and I really like them. I will put some comments on flickr to them. (y)

Colourful Leaf by MattJMilli, on Flickr

Flowers of Colour by MattJMilli, on Flickr

Castle Ruins by MattJMilli, on Flickr