Northumberland Neolithic Rock Art Sunset

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Bit of a mouthful that title isn't it.
Took a trip up to Northumberland at the weekend for a wild camp with a couple of mates, with a view to shooting some Rock Art images for a local micro brewery that they are starting up nearby.
After loads of searching, and trawling through a jungle of head high bracken, we found Ketley Crag, which has particularly well preserved carvings. Waited a couple of hours for the light to soften and got this, which I am pretty happy with.
It's not something I have seen shot much before, so it was good to go with a completely blank canvas in terms of composition, which is rare when shooting scenes with points of interest like this.
Think Flickr has softened it somewhat, as the detail in the rock looks much more pronounced on my screen at home.
Any C&C welcome

Nice, i do like shots where the sun is just breaking the horizon
Hi Matty,

I really like that, lovely composition


Thanks very much, it was tough trying to include a little of the mountainous horizon, but I think I managed it ok.

Looks nice that mate :) Nice and different to anything I've seen before!

Thanks Jake, looking around it seems that these relics in Northumberland have not been shot very much at all. Think I may try and get a little project going

thumbs up from me!

Much appreciated, thanks for taking the time to have a look!!

Stunning shot, thumbs up from me too

Thank you - very much appreciated!

An amazing looking place and fantastic shot. The longer I look at it the more I see patterns in the ferns mirroring those on the stones. Wonderful sun rays as well.

Thanks, It is quite an amazing landscape, there are huge areas of Northumberland that see very little traffic, compared with the national parks. Its great to feel the expanse of land, with no modern disturbances! I wasn't sure on the sun rays, but I think they are growing on me.

Nice, i do like shots where the sun is just breaking the horizon

Thanks Al - It's rare for me to capture these, as where I live, there always seems to be low cloud over the cumbrian fells which prevents shots like that!!

A great image of a wonderful location, well done.

Thank you very much Mark. I'm definitely gonna try to spend more time up in this wonderful corner of England!!
The Northumberland light on days like that, I always feel is special and the light hitting the rock above the art shows that, I also like it cropped with only a small corner of the rock art and a shot with the sun breaking onto that piece of rock jutting out framed slightly different would be a great shot too. The rock leads you into the fields and hills.
The Northumberland light on days like that, I always feel is special and the light hitting the rock above the art shows that, I also like it cropped with only a small corner of the rock art and a shot with the sun breaking onto that piece of rock jutting out framed slightly different would be a great shot too. The rock leads you into the fields and hills.

Thanks very much John. You do get a lovely quality of light up there. The winds can be a pain, but its a beautiful and relatively wild part of the country. I haven't had chance, but I shall have a look at the crop you suggest as an alternative. Many thanks for taking a look!!
Great to see this on here. Glad to see people interested in neolithic sites and a stunning exemple of rock carving.
Lovely capture of a stunning looking place
i really like this, even down to just the simple way that there is a little gap of sky between the rocks and the clouds :)
Great to see this on here. Glad to see people interested in neolithic sites and a stunning exemple of rock carving.

Thanks Thomas, I can't believe that there arent more shots of these fantastic carvings. Im gonna try and change that!!

Lovely capture of a stunning looking place

Thank you very much Stephen, very much appreciated. Its an amazing place

i really like this, even down to just the simple way that there is a little gap of sky between the rocks and the clouds :)

Thanks Ian. It took a couple of hours of waiting for the light to fall right, but I am really glad I hung around, as I feel that it all fell into place for this shot, just how i imagined it!
I'm normally a bit bored of rock in foreground type landscape photos but I really like this - lots of interesting bits and a lovely feel to it if that makes sense :)
I'm normally a bit bored of rock in foreground type landscape photos but I really like this - lots of interesting bits and a lovely feel to it if that makes sense :)

Thanks Justin, yes, this is a little different from the standard rocky foreground. Really appreciate your feedback, thanks!

Wow. Stunning image. I've never seen this location before. Looks like you've really done it justice

Thank you Peter, I was surprised to find very few shots of this on the net. It's a real gem if you are ever up that way.

That's good. I had no idea these things existed.

My only question mark would be whether it was necessary to include the sunset. It kind of competes with the rock carvings for attention.

Thanks Jeremy, there are a number of other images I took which concentrate on the carvings themselves, but I felt that this was the most appropriate to post in a Landscape Forum.
Personally, I like how the scene is filled with different elements, and I really wanted to show the skyline of the Cheviot range, in order to place the rock in a geographical context.
I appreciate you taking the time to comment, and certainly for shots to show the rock carvings alone, the sunset may be unnecessary.
Very, very nice image - love it.