Not a great photo but I hope an interesting one

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In 1990 the London phone number area code changed from 01 to either 081 or 071.
A long time now - very few people had very used a mobile phone and even less a digital camera.
The idea of having a phone camera would have been sci-fi.

See you can imagine why I was surprised to see - this 33 years out of date - phone number on a shop

53008180504_765062901a_o by davholla2002, on Flickr
Well seen & caught street style capture David.
I wonder if Mr Williams still works in the pharmacy?
I wonder if Mr Williams still works in the pharmacy?
I wondered that even if he were a new graduate in 1990 he would be 54 now and of course he could have been older.
Then again if he has retired why has the new owner not changed it?

This makes me feel old because I was a teenager when this happened.
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