Not for the none believers

bizarre stuff really - never believed any of the Most Haunted carp thats on TV, but have experienced a few unexplained things...

Have woken up in the middle of the night - bolt upright - absolutely convinced something / someone in the doorway.

Have also alledgedly spoke Latin in my sleep (and my Latin knowledge extends to only a few things - such as names of animals / plants etc........)

I also remember going to see something with the school at the Maddermarket Theatre in Norwich as a kid - and we had to write about it the next day.

About 1/4 of the class mentioned a monk walking across the stage.......... there was no monk in the play and i didn't see him!
Have also alledgedly spoke Latin in my sleep (and my Latin knowledge extends to only a few things - such as names of animals / plants etc........)

Perhaps you were stringing a sentence together? :shrug:

bizarre stuff really - never believed any of the Most Haunted carp thats on TV, but have experienced a few unexplained things...

Have woken up in the middle of the night - bolt upright - absolutely convinced something / someone in the doorway.

Have also alledgedly spoke Latin in my sleep (and my Latin knowledge extends to only a few things - such as names of animals / plants etc........)

I also remember going to see something with the school at the Maddermarket Theatre in Norwich as a kid - and we had to write about it the next day.

About 1/4 of the class mentioned a monk walking across the stage.......... there was no monk in the play and i didn't see him!

Back in the 70's I had a colleague who awoke suddenly one Sunday morning and told his wife that their son was dead. He had in fact died at that precise time in an accident abroad.
Back in the 70's I had a colleague who awoke suddenly one Sunday morning and told his wife that their son was dead. He had in fact died at that precise time in an accident abroad.

I have heard of that before - especially between twins

in the 1980's I had a horse riding accident in which all my toes were broken being ripped out of the stirrups

a lady friend of many years called to say she had dreamed my feet were on fire
I live in an old farm cottage - this has happened many times

have you ever woken up feeling a heavy pressure was pushing you down into the bed..?

and it was a real struggle to push up through this "presence" and become awake
have you ever woken up feeling a heavy pressure was pushing you down into the bed..?

and it was a real struggle to push up through this "presence" and become awake

Yes, this is known as a 'night terror' where basically your brain wakes up before your body does. Very common and nothing to do with the paranormal ;)
Yes, this is known as a 'night terror' where basically your brain wakes up before your body does. Very common and nothing to do with the paranormal ;)

I thought it was just work day/alarm clock syndrome :D - I never suffer it at weekends :LOL:
Never had any experiences like this, thankfully.

But I've heard many stories from others....
For example,
- Spirits wearing cloaks doing a "ring-a-ring-a-roses" style thing around a bed.
- Children playing the back garden. Imagine looking out your back window and seeing spirits of children looking back at you.
- People feeling the presence of a spirit lying next to them in bed.

- Also many stories from "Oxney Bottom" in Kent. When my Dad was a kid some of his friends went 'ghost hunting' around here, and 1 of the boys fell in a well and died.

I absolutely believe the stories, but I just think it's demons appearing as the deceased. As oppose to the dead living as spirits after death.
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Never had any experiences like this, thankfully.

But I've heard many stories from others....
For example,
- Spirits wearing cloaks doing a "ring-a-ring-a-roses" style thing around a bed.
- Children playing the back garden. Imagine looking out your back window and seeing spirits of children looking back at you.
- People feeling the presence of a spirit lying next to them in bed.

- Also many stories from "Oxney Bottom" in Kent. When my Dad was a kid some of his friends went 'ghost hunting' around here, and 1 of the boys fell in a well and died.

I absolutely believe the stories, but I just think it's demons appearing as the deceased. As oppose to the dead living as spirits after death.

I suspect that "spirits" could have something to do with this, particularly if you've consumed a lot of them!

Sorry, I couldn't resist that and I'm not knocking your post. Would you like to expand on "demons"?
I suspect that "spirits" could have something to do with this, particularly if you've consumed a lot of them!

Sorry, I couldn't resist that and I'm not knocking your post. Would you like to expand on "demons"?

No problem. I was just posting things that I've been told. They are not my own experiences.

By using the word 'demons', I simply meant an evil spirit. For example....An angel is also known as a spirit.
What I meant was, I think it's down to evil spirits, as oppose to a dead person continuing their life in the form of a 'ghost'.
This seems to have passed everyone. So I'll ask: why did he say he will come back to haunt?

Sounds like a weirdo grandad to have. :shrug:

Has the "sense of humour" thing escaped you? :shrug:
Get a joiner in to fix the door its shrinking in the cold at night.. the release causes the "tap". ( ... and the cat is just curious at the sound. there is nothing curious about it.:bonk:
Interestingly I was thinking of bumping this myself. Moved into a new place about a month ago and there's some weird sounds and stuff late at night, as if someone's pacing up and down the hall, taps from the cieling (as if someone's making a knock knock sound), and then what sounds like distant running water :wacky: and when it happens its ALWAYS at around half 12 quarter to 1 ish in the morning.

Normally I'm very skeptical about all this supernatural stuff but what goes on in my house is beginning to make me wonder...
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there's some weird sounds and stuff late at night, as if someone's pacing up and down the hall

That'll be the ghost of an earlier resident, pacing up and down trying to decide whether to hang himself or not

taps from the cieling (as if someone's making a knock knock sound)

That'll be him testing to see if it will hold his weight hanging from the rope

and then what sounds like distant running water

That's his bladder emptying after he's hung himself

Get a joiner in to fix the door its shrinking in the cold at night.. the release causes the "tap". ( ... and the cat is just curious at the sound. there is nothing curious about it.:bonk:

Having worked in the construction game for over 20yrs I am quite familiar with how wood reacts under cold a hot conditions, however when the heating is on and at a constant temp, you would not expect it to happen but it does :shrug:
Originally Posted by trencheel303
taps from the cieling (as if someone's making a knock knock sound)

Death watch beetle? (So named because it was usually heard by people on the death watch since they call for mates by tapping on the timbers in the roof at around midnight.)
I'm totally sceptical about all the 'haunted' TV shows, but fully accept that there are things we cannot explain by normal standards.

A few years ago I was overnighting at the now-closed Infantry TA centre in Brighton which was built on the remains of the massive old parade square that had belonged to the cavalry regiments garrisoned there back in the day - that site is now mostly given over to B&Q, Halfords and the like.
We had just turned in for the night - two of us opting for the comfier chairs in the bar as opposed to roll-mats in the gym. I was turned to the wall but was aware of someone walking into the room - as you know, sometimes you just know when someone enters a room you're in, without you having seen them.
My colleague started a moment later with the cry " F*** me! That bloke just walked through the Bar!"
Meaning he'd walked through the closed shutters of the bar itself.
I sat up but saw nothing, but knew someone had walked-in right past where I'd been lying.

We later learned that there were stories of the ghost of a soldier condemned to death back during the First World War who was allegedly seen walking up and down the parade square at night...that may all be bollicks, but i know something was there that night.
I love reading other peoples unexplained experiences:D

Ive only really had the one, was at Golden grove mansion in carmarthenshire and geraint from Ghost watch wales was doing tours of the building, and giving his insight into different spirits he said were there. We went up the main stairway and stopped on the landing at the top, I then felt rather dizzy and my neck and chest felt very tight. He then told us that he believed someone had hung themselves from the stairs. Obviously couldnt have been my mind playing tricks because he explained about it after i had felt that way

Also whilst walking round the rest of the building I felt a sharp scratch on my arm, like someone had just stabbed me with a needle. I was in a fairly wide corridor and hadnt brushed against anyone/thing. :shrug:
I'm totally sceptical about all the 'haunted' TV shows, but fully accept that there are things we cannot explain by normal standards.

A few years ago I was overnighting at the now-closed Infantry TA centre in Brighton which was built on the remains of the massive old parade square that had belonged to the cavalry regiments garrisoned there back in the day - that site is now mostly given over to B&Q, Halfords and the like.
We had just turned in for the night - two of us opting for the comfier chairs in the bar as opposed to roll-mats in the gym. I was turned to the wall but was aware of someone walking into the room - as you know, sometimes you just know when someone enters a room you're in, without you having seen them.
My colleague started a moment later with the cry " F*** me! That bloke just walked through the Bar!"
Meaning he'd walked through the closed shutters of the bar itself.
I sat up but saw nothing, but knew someone had walked-in right past where I'd been lying.

We later learned that there were stories of the ghost of a soldier condemned to death back during the First World War who was allegedly seen walking up and down the parade square at night...that may all be bollicks, but i know something was there that night.

I could well believe that as well. The thing is, it is not a case of rattling chains etc :D Like my stepson`s friend, I have also seen the shadow of somebody passing from our kitchen doorway out through to the hall. We live in a three story miners house which is in a rank of 25 and there is a lot of local history attached to them. After digging up some data I discovered that in one house in 1871 there were 17 ocuupants in it. Familys were bigger back in those days as so many children worked the mines, so I should imagine a lot of people passed through this way so to speak and probably deaths were a common thing. I spoke to someone who used to live in our place and asked him if he had noticed anything odd whilst living here. His reply was, the most freakiest thing was nails in the floorboards of the first floor landing would be raised right out of the boards :puke: And he also mentioned that after hitting them back down again they would be back up again in the morning. I have no reason to call him a liar, but I have yet to see it myself ;)

Many years ago I was visiting a friend of mine who was a Chef in a restaurant, it was situated in the old vaults under a hotel in Bath. The kitchen was about 30ft long but quite narrow. I walked up the three steps from the dining area up into the kitchen, I walked around to the left of the doorway so I was out of view from the customers and stood with my back aprox 3ft from a solid wall. My friend was ahead of me sorting out some starters and we were having a good old natter. All of a sudden I lept straight up in the air, my mate said what the F... you doing. I explained that somebody had just rested their hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle sqeeze. That happened about 30yrs ago, and I can tell you now, that to this day it still brings a shiver down my spine, not in a frightened way but the fact that I know it happened but was not able to see anything :shrug:
to be honest ive had a couple but the main one was a few years ago on bonfire night.

me and a few mates were looking for fire wood for our bonfire, and 2 blocks away from us they were pulling down this old manor house, we'd been in a few times so new there would be plenty of good wood to burn.

when we got in half of the grand staircase had been demolished leaving only 1 side climable, so me and a few of the older kids went up while the youngsters waited downstairs collecting small bit's of wood with 4 older kids( the youngest was about 9). as we got to the top of the stairs we all went into different rooms, me and my best mate went into what i assumed was a bedroom, when we got in there we found a solid oak billiard table but we couldnt move it, so we got the other kids that were upstairs to help us, it took 8 of us to lift it about 3mm of the floor and move it. when we got to the top of the staircase we put it down for a rest and the thing lifted itself up and went straight back where it came from, no noise or anything.
i have never seen anyone move as quickly as we did that night. the land the house was on is still empty to this day.