Not just photography...

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but I have some Photo-manips that I'd like to show you all. :) Albeit, I'm not sure if they belong here.

I still have my watermark on them because I use the same images for another site. Please bare in mind I'm still rather new at photo manips but here's what I've got so far..






Critique is appreciated. :)
I like them. I think I prefer the fourth one of the set.
those are absolutely stunning! :clap:
I'd go with mmcp42. Trickery the like of which I don't know and it produces evocative images. The last is my favourite.
Thank you so much everyone :hug:

A few more I forgot to post:




Hope you like them.


I didn't take the model pictures, they're stock images.. but the wine glass ones were taken by me.
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I think there's some really great skill and vision there. I love the violin shot and the last one particularly but the two of the girl/doll, I find really quite scary.
They are ultra cool!
The last one in the first set is fantastic.
Some really good stuff here!

This is something people could see more of if we had a separate digital art section! Register interest here!!
These are amazing! :love: I'd love to be able to do this kind of thing, how did you learn?
These are amazing! :love: I'd love to be able to do this kind of thing, how did you learn?
By my self really. I just experimented with all the options on PS. I started off with something really simple first of all and gradually learned more in the process so went on to do better things.

A new one:

Wow! these look like manga images. I like the last one on the first set:p

You are so obviously extremely talented - nice of you to stop by on your way to the top :notworthy:
These are great... it would be good to see a 'before & after' to see how much manipulation you've done.
Would you be able to take the time to write a tutorial on how you do these because they are fantastic! I really, really love them.
The last one, with the butterfly on her finger is just gorgeous. If you could tell us how it is done I'm sure we have a lot to learn. I know I do.

Pulls up chair! :)

Many thanks :)